As usual this was held during our Training Event
Welcome to new executive members:
- Lew Marsh
- Steve Tollestrup
Lew Marsh Steve Tollestrup

Farewell and thanks to retiring executive members Jeff Whittaker and John Franklin
There was some discussion again during the TE and at the BGM in relation to considering a change in our Trading Name to Aotearoa Community of Spiritual Directors. In the end the motion was not put, as it was felt there was not a clear way forward in this. More talking to do around this.

After the meeting we had a fantastic musical evening with Josh and his team helping us reflect on the spirituality of the Beatles/Dylan/Cohen. There was dancing in the aisles! Thanks to the Cenacle sisters who were not able to be present, but gave us a donation which was used to cover this.
Thanks to SGM who helped us unwind with a lovely alcohol free happy hour.