Here we have links to resources members have found useful…

Print Resources from Spiritual Growth Ministries
- What is Spiritual Direction
- How to Keep a Spiritual Journal
- Getting the Most out of Spiritual Direction
Retreat Houses in New Zealand
- Southern Star Abbey – Kopua, Hawkes Bay
- Houchen Retreat House – Hamilton
- Sister Eveleen Retreat House – Sumner, Christchurch
- Peacemakers Retreat Centre Helensville
- St Isaac’s Retreat House Opononi
- Titoki Christian Healing Retreat Centre, Whakatane
- 4451 Christchurch Akaroa Road
Websites in New Zealand
Spiritual Growth Ministries (ANZ)
Contemplative Network Aotearoa
Te Wairua Mahi Ignation Spirituality NZ
ACSD Members Websites
Poetry Books by Anne Powell for sale
Websites in Australia
Australian Ecumenical Council for Spiritual Direction
Fullness of Life Centre Perth
CSD Australia – Catholic Spiritual Directors Australia
Australian Network for Spiritual Direction
International Websites
Spiritual Directors International
Canadian Fellowship of Christian Spiritual Directors
Training to be a Spiritual Director – two NZ based options
- Spiritual Growth Ministries (SGM) Aotearoa For more information contact the Coordinator of the Spiritual Directors’ Formation Programme at Spiritual Growth Ministries: Fran Francis More about the SGM Formation Programme information
- Te Wairua Mahi is a course offered through Ignation Spirituality NZ. It has recently been officially recognised by the Australian Ecumenical Council of Spiritual Directors as having met the guidelines for Forming Tomorrows Spiritual Directors