2011 ACSD Training Event
Auckland, 23-25 July 2011

Alexander Shaia
Keynote speaker, Dr. Alexander J Shaia is a spiritual director, educator, psychologist, liturgist, writer and professional speaker.
He was founder and director of the Blue Door Retreat in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Dr. Shaia travels internationally, lecturing and conducting workshops on the four-gospel journey of quadrates, psychotherapy, rites of passage and Christian meditation and spirituality.
His book published in 2010 is The Hidden Power of the Gospels written with Michelle Guagy.
Alexander Shaia | Quadratos
Training Event Introductory Session Audios
These three audios include:
A welcome from Executive member Kevin Gallagher (4:10 mins.) and, two session audios (each about 30 mins.) by keynote speaker Dr Alexander Shaia speaking on, “Four Questions, Four Paths, One Journey.”
1. Kevin Gallagher’s Welcome and Introduction of Dr Shaia
2. Dr Alexander Shaia – Part 1 of the Session
3. Dr Alexander Shaia – Part 2 of the Session