Why Join The Association of Christian Spiritual Directors?
- Do you feel called to a ministry of spiritual direction? Spiritual Direction can be a lonely ministry.
- Join the ACSD to find some spiritual and professional sustenance for your SD ministry.
- Your listing on our website also enables people seeking Spiritual Direction to find you.
The Association provides the NZ based professional organisation for you to be part of…

- Entry level of Associate membership is open to all who have been through a Spiritual Direction Training/Formation programme.
- Full membership is the next step and is for those who have regular spiritual direction clients and are having ongoing supervision for this work, and have completed 50 hours of supervised post graduation spiritual direction. Usually members are Associates for at least a year.
As an Association we offer…
- support, collegiality, accountability and resources to support your work as a Spiritual Director
- a sophisticated search engine that enables Directees to find you as a spiritual director. This is one of the principal places that people in NZ can search for a Spiritual Director
- This list also provides names of members who offer Supervision.
- Our membership list also notes whether people offer Supervision or Spiritual Direction online.
- Regional support networks
- Come to our Biennial Training Event – an opportunity for refreshment and learning open to members of the Association. Held alternately in the South and North Island.
The annual membership fee is $40 for Associate Membership $80 for Full Membership
What if I am a student ?
If you are a student, you can receive our newsletter and come to training events – fill in the affiliated student link below
How the Association works….
The Association has a small Executive which meets three times a year to oversee the work of the Association, including:
- Managing membership requests
- Planning a National Training Event every second year for members only
- Providing content for regular newsletters to members with resource information.
In some regions members arrange local gatherings for companionship, training and/or supervision.