Open Day 1 September, Training Event 2-4 September 2022

Worried about Covid and cancellation – scroll down for more information
Our theme is “Grounded”
Our keynote speaker will be Alan Jamieson

Alan recently completed his spiritual direction training with Te Wairua Mahi, and has for many years been Senior Pastor at Christchurch’s South West Baptist Church. Alan also teaches Missional Leadership and Christian Spirituality at Carey Baptist College and is the new general director of the New Zealand Baptist Missionary Society.
Alan Jamieson is well-known within New Zealand churches for his well-researched and thought-provoking writings on the relationship between church, faith and culture in New Zealand. We are excited that he is available and willing to share with us.
Many of you are possibly wondering how we will be prepared for COVID at our Training Event. Here is our policy:
- Please do not come to the event if you are unwell.
- We recommend full vaccination, including the first booster, and the 2nd booster if you are eligible (more than 6 months since your first booster, and risk factors as described in the Ministry of Health Website under “COVID-19 Vaccine: Boosters”)
- Mask wearing:
- We will ask all participants – except those speaking – to wear masks in all in-door sessions. This is not a government requirement, but a way we have chosen to look after each other.
- Masks cannot be practically worn at meal times. Those who feel at particular risk of COVID infection should contact Helen Tripp via and we will reserve a table so that you eat with the same small group throughout to minimise unmasked contact with others.
- If a participant develops symptoms during the event, they should immediately contact Helen Tripp 027 234 9966 who will have RAT tests available.
- If someone tests positive at the event:
- They will be immediately isolated to a single room while arrangements are made for them to go home.
- Other participants at the event will be informed that there has been a positive case.
The planning group asks for your co-operation and understanding as we endeavour to run a large gathering whilst COVID is so prevalent withing the community.
Bed linen and towel is supplied
- You can choose to share a room, and indicate a preference of who you might like to share with
- There are some Single bed options – though these are limited, so get in early.
- If you have accommodation nearby you can live out, all meals except breakfast are included in the price
- You can stay Thursday to Sunday or Friday to Sunday
Flights are already available for September 2022 with Air NZ, so for those of you wanting to arrange transport, know that registrations will open at 9am, ready for a 10am start on Friday – and we will finish after lunch on the Sunday. In due course we will ask who needs help with getting from the train station in Waikanae to El Rancho itself. When booking flights – remember that there is also an Open Day on the Thursday from 10-4pm
Seminars at Grounded
1. He Tūrangawaewae: Finding Our Feet: A Place to Stand
with Adrienne Thompson
For our directees and ourselves, a spirituality grounded in the land and history of Aotearoa. As a way into this kaupapa we will connect with the landscape and stories of Waikanae – the river, the estuary and the Island, the Iwi Māori and the Iwi Pākehā who have made their homes here over the centuries.
2. Tangata Tū ki te Whenua …. – Phil Cody
A shared exploration of what Māori may teach us about being grounded. Looking at aspects such as Identity, Creation, Soil and Sea, Humour…
3. Getting to know your shadow side – John Axcell
An introduction to our shadow side; that part of our self that we reject, repress and deny. The workshop will look at how our shadow side develops and what effect it has on our life. We will then explore the idea that until we undertake the work of accepting and welcoming the dark side within us, we cannot be balanced or whole.
4. Ungrounded, Grounded, Groundless – Pip Nichols
Our lives as Spiritual Companions may entail supporting people to move from being ungrounded to grounded, and when understanding these two – to groundless. And we ourselves will experience these three ‘states’ on a daily basis too…
Fortunately, it is likely that our prayer practices will gradually open the veil to greater groundedness in our human selves and greater groundlessness in the Divine… and from this ‘presence’ we’ll be able to
support our companionees as well…
During the workshop, we will play with all three concepts or states, and with some ways to
allow the veil to fall open by itself…
5. Business side of being a Spiritual Director with Rosemary Neave
How do you get up to speed on running a small business as a Spiritual director/Supervisor – GST, tax,
accounting and promotion.
6. Whakaaroaro – to ponder, consider, contemplate
Would you like to connect with others, process what you’ve been receiving, or a bit of both? This is a dedicated contemplative room available during all Seminars
Our Thursday Open Day for Members + others
As in previous years, there will be a preceding “Open Day” (also open to non ACSD members) on Thursday 1st September 2022, from 10am till 4pm in Tawa or Thorndon. Transport options to get you and your luggage to Waikanae at the end of this day will be explained nearer the time.
More information on the Open Day and choices
The emphasis is on Professional Development, and we are excited to offer two different workshops from which you can select the one that best suits you… full details coming soon!
Cancellation Policy
After 26th June 2022, should you cancel your booking, regrettably there can be no refunds. This is because our fees/costs are based on a minimum number of 66 attendees, and we have to honour our commitment to caterers and venue hire.
However should the whole 2022 Training Event be cancelled due to Covid-19, ACSD will refund you your fees less a non-refundable deposit for administration costs of $20.