Trish McBride writes about some of her writing journey, culminating in a new book last year.

Back at the 2004 Training Event, someone mentioned that there were no longitudinal studies of women’s spirituality…
I was challenged by that to pull out 30 years’ worth of writings on my life and faith, sort them into order looking through the lenses of Fowler and MBTI, and publish the collection as Faith Evolving, A Patchwork Journey.
Exploring the Presence, More Faith Patches followed in 2011 ranging wider and earlier, as I recognised God in my childhood and in many settings beyond church and Christianity.
Last year, A Love Quilt, Later Faith Patches was published with the writings and reflections of the last decade.
It is the fruit of 73 years of committed faith life, and 35 years in spiritual direction. I guess that makes a longitudinal study!
Spiritual direction is a significant thread of the book, with an explanation and ACSD referenced and I hope does some promoting of it. It’s reasonable to describe the book as a spirituality of old age, as I’m heading for 80. Someone recently said the trilogy would make a useful training resource. Well, maybe…
I had planned to offer the book at Waikanae for a TE special price of $25, $31 including postage. This offer stands. Email orders welcome. There are two flyers which approach the book from different angles. They are both valid.
E-versions are available from Philip Garside – see the flyers.
Blessings, Trish,