Suggestion – That the current membership categories be revised and simplified
These were presented at the Training Event where there was a good discussion. If you have thoughts you want to add to the conversation and decision that will probably be made at November Executive, please contact someone on the Exec, or reply to secretary
- All members of the Association will have completed a training programme in
spiritual direction. All can attend Training Event and BGM, are entitled to vote,
entitled to serve on Executive and will receive newsletter. - Two broad categories of membership be established: Professsional Spiritual
Directors and Associate Spiritual Directors.
Professional Spiritual Directors:
- actively offering spiritual direction;
- receiving regular spiritual direction and supervision;
- committed to personal and professional development;
- have completed 50 hours of supervised practice.
- Listing on website.
- Full membership fee $100.
Associate Spiritual Directors:
- no requirement to offer spiritual direction;
- no requirement to receive supervision or spiritual direction
- or to undertake ongoing professional development.
- Includes those in the current Associate [working towards 50 hours supervised
- work], Affiliate, Retired, Emeritus and Friend categories.
- Half price membership fee $50.
What about students?
Spiritual direction students, not having completed training, are not eligible to join ACSD, but are invited to attend the TE, BGM [without voting rights] and Open Days.