Spiritual Directors all around New Zealand gather regularly for reflection, and discussion. These groups welcome all Spiritual Directors, no need to be a member of the Association.
Here are the contact details for regional gatherings if you want to be added to the list to receive notices:
- Northland Anne McCracken (09) 4381145 annemc2@outlook.com
- Auckland Marven Harkness (022) 0424933 marven.harkness@omfmail.com
- Waikato Kathleen Gavin (027)4168515 bkgavin@xtra.co.nz
- Tauranga Gay Cochrane (021)1648422 cgcochran62@gmail.com
- Taranaki Heather Lofthouse (021)617894 heather1349@gmail.com
- Manawatu Elsa McInnes (06)3239276 elsamcinnes@inspire.net.nz
- Hawkes Bay
- Kapiti Bev Phillips 021 077 9655 bev99phillips@gmail.com
- Wellington Maureen Lamb (021)1763669 maureen@lamb.org.nz
- Nelson Ilene Allan (021)1026778 athlene16@gmail.com
- Canterbury Glenda Prosser 021 180 3040 harmony@xtra.co.nz
- Otago leAnne Glennie vlglennie@gmail.com
Virtual Spiritual Directors Group
A new virtual group has been set up to meet via Zoom for those in more isolated settings, they are meeting monthly on a Tuesday at 7pm. If you are interested please contact Petra Corbett who lives in Taupo petracorbett@gmail.com