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A guide for members of The Association of Christian Spiritual Directors NZ …

It is a requirement for membership of the Association of Christian Spiritual Directors Inc. that all members have regular supervision for their spiritual direction practice.

The primary purpose of supervision is to enable the director to grow both personally and professionally in order to best meet the needs of the directee, through awareness of such issues as inter-personal relationships, boundaries, safety etc.

  • Supervision is a confidential, structured, and contracted relationship which enables the director to reflect critically on her/his work with a competent colleague, preferably one who has formal training in supervision.
  • There is a strong commitment to learning, reflection and challenge. Supervisors should not be a family member, close friend, or someone with whom other contracted relationships are agreed.
  • Ideally supervision would be conducted in a contracted face to face setting of one supervisor with one supervisee, Group supervision may be more practical and beneficial (where the supervisor is qualified to offer this) in some circumstances, for example, when the supervisees are well experienced.
  • Face to face could well include ‘skype’ or something similar. Email correspondence or telephone conversations may not provide the best form of supervision but may be expedient. The Executive recommends that these be supplement by face to face supervision at least twice each year.

Key elements in Supervision are:

  • being in a regular, contracted, relationship with your Supervisor or the members of your Supervision Group, committed to journeying together;
  • being intentional and committed to growth in your spiritual direction practice through self-reflection
  • sessions should focus on your practice as spiritual director, and any personal issue that affects your work as a spiritual director.

Because Supervision is designed to hone and enhance our practice of Spiritual Direction this needs to be engaged with on a regular basis with the same person or group.

How often should we have Supervision?

  • The Executive recommends monthly supervision for those who see 5 or more directees in a month.
  • For those who have fewer than 5 directees a month, the Executive does not wish to be prescriptive but would suggest you discuss it with your supervisor and aim to meet for supervision at least three times a year.

Where do I find a Supervisor?

The ACSD holds a list of those ACSD Members who indicate on their annual Membership Covenant Renewal form that they offer Supervision to Spiritual Directors. This list is sent to members annually and updated lists can be obtained from the Secretary.

ACSD is not able to comment on the suitability of any of these supervisors as we have no record of qualifications or experience – just the willingness to engage as a supervisor.

Note disclaimer: These are guidelines only; the Association does not vet, train or monitor Supervisors. Those who are on our Supervisors List are simply those who are members of ACSD A-NZ and who indicated they offered Supervision and are trained to do so.

Each member is responsible for ascertaining the training of the person they approach to be their Supervisor.

Resources on Supervisions for Spiritual Directors

  • Can a person’s Spiritual Director and Supervisor be the same person? MORE
  • Articles on ACSD Website about Supervision Here
  • Supervision of Spiritual Directors: Engaging in Holy Mystery, edited by Mary Rose Bumpus & Rebecca Bradburn Langer. Moorehouse Publishing, London: 2006
  • Looking into the Well: Supervision of Spiritual Directors, by Maureen Conroy. Loyola Press, 1995
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