A Contemplative programme March to November with Agnes Hermans Walking the Mystical Path is an ‘at home’ programme for those wishing to integrate a contemplative dimension into their lives.
Many of us have looked east, west, north and south to discover what might lie behind the veils of illusion, Thomas Merton’s ‘small self’ and the revised capacity of ‘heaven before death’.
Fortunately now is one of the best times to be alive because we are a century into a growing community of contemporary mystics who have the dual gifts of being both contemplatives and grand story tellers of their experiences. While the stories they tell stem from many centuries ago, they are imbued with not only a contemplative understanding of the deeper wisdom teachings, but are positively influenced by the developing understanding of psychology and neurophysiology.
What these teachers have to say to us is learning to see as the mystics see and learning to experience what the mystics’ experience: Having eyes, do you not see; And having ears, do you not hear?
Resource Material
The WTMP programme offers resource material for: reading, reflection, spiritual practices, action and includes individual spiritual companioning as well as group reflection sessions by zoom or skype.
During the programme we look at five strands of the contemplative path: theology, prayer/meditation, compassion, co-creation and social justice through teachings and practices of contemporary mystics such as Merton, Newell, Bourgeault, Baxter, Rohr, Fox, Doherty, Finley, Aubert, Cowley to name a few. This is an experiential programme to support your own knowing of the contemplative Spirit.

Facilitator Agnes Hermans, ACSD, and member of the Contemplative Network Aotearoa Coordinating Group.
Based in Whangārei, Agnes has 30 years’ experience in social work, health care management, health promotion, community development, and has been involved in supporting contemplative retreats for ten years.
Agnes is currently studying with the Living School at the Center for Action and Contemplation. She offers professional supervision and spiritual companioning in person and online using skype or zoom.
Cost: $370 for materials and spiritual companioning sessions. Enquiries/registration by 8 th March 2020 to: Agnes on 027 202 6077 or amhermans@xtra.co.nz