Do you know someone ready for this in 2022?
Listening to the kōrero of others is both learned and a gift. The Spiritual Directors Formation Programme hones that gift with a mix of self-directed learning modules and skill development workshops including two residential intensives, along with hands-on, realtime interaction doing the mahi of spiritual direction. Learn from experienced practitioners and develop the skills month by month over two years (part-time).
Weaving theory and practice together, grounded in Christian faith and grown here in Aotearoa…
SGM’s Spiritual Directors Formation Programme has been forming directors since 1988. Applicants come from all walks of life and Christian traditions. They offer their skills, on completion, in a wide variety of settings, not just church communities and not just in one-to-one, kanohi ki te kanohi kōrero.
Topics covered include:
Eight modules with reading, study and reflection guides and written assignments (2 essays of approx. 1500 words per module):
- An introduction to spiritual direction
- The relationship between director and directee
- Discernment
- Prayer
- Spiritual growth and its stages
- Psychological aspects of spiritual direction
- Engaging culture
- A special interest project
Practical work includes:
- Receiving spiritual direction from a trained spiritual director
- The giving of spiritual direction throughout the formation programme
- 20 individual supervision sessions spread over the two years, including the presentation of verbatim and case studies
- Attendance at all 10 workshops. Offered in Auckland (10 single days) and Wellington and Christchurch alternately (2 day blocks). If there is a shift in Alert Level we use Zoom
- Attendance at the week long residential programme, the Kohanga Ako, usually held in July in Year 1
- Attendance at the residential weekend, usually held in November of Year 2
Is there someone you know who is ready for this?
Applications are open now for 2022 – apply here
Early Bird application fee $50.00 until 30/9/22
$100.00 thereafter