Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Auckland / West Auckland

Religious background
I had my first encounter with the sense of the presence of God as a child while engaging with creation. I was not raised in a faith based family, but my neighbours took me along to the local Anglican Church where I remained throughout my teenage years.I naturally embraced the ritual practices and liturgical style of that denomination, and these ways of worshipping, alongside contemplative and imaginative practices have shaped my ways of connecting to God.
My 20’s and beyond saw me involved in a number of Churches, (denominational and non), each of which I was involved in some form in Pastoral Leadership. My current faith community is in central Auckland, a Church that myself and my partner founded in 1999, and led up until 2020, when I resigned my role. Throughout the years I have had the privilege of leading and shaping faith communities, and of particular interest for me has been the journey and experience of being a woman in leadership, where majority men have led in the Church over the years. I have set about to create pathways for myself and others in this context, which is a more wholistic, diverse and inclusive approach. This in itself I believe enables the playing field to become even broader enabling anyone who feels called to lead, regardless of their gender or orientation in life.
Even though I have experienced a variety of church traditions, I consider myself Ecumenical in my theological understanding and practice. I have a great interest in interfaith conversations, and believe that there is goodness in all traditions and that at the heart of them all is God, who is Love.
To find out more, head to my website
Approach to spiritual direction
I use two metaphors to describe the practice of Spiritual Direction; that of a midwife, and to borrow the name from the Celtic world, an Anam Cara or Soul Friend. Both invite and allow for ways of companioning and journeying alongside another at their own pace whatever story they may be living and telling, offering a sense of encouragement, care and support while at the same time noticing the movements and presence of God within.
Direction in this context is to help discern and bring to birth that which is already in existence. Any and every part of the human experiences and stories are welcome in the space as it is in the everyday that we encounter the presence of God. I have used the image of the Warou|Welcome Swallow, a little bird native to Aōtearoa on my website to highlight the sense of manaakitanga|hospitality that lies at the heart of the practice of Spiritual Direction. Everyone is welcome.