Songs from My Soul
Wisdom & Spirituality in the Great Sandy Desert byMarie Leonie Williams RSM
These poems have their origin in the seven years the author spent among the Walmajarri people of Western Australia. Unexpectedly, Marie Williams discovered a deep association there with her own Celtic people and traditions; and a sense of connection with land, people and ancestry that provided joy, love, acceptance, celebration and the desire to reflect this new experience in poetry. Marie readily confesses that the poems ‘sing from my soul!’
The poems are presented not simply as a record of her time in the Great Sandy Desert but as an invitation to discover the spirit of the land and to rejoice in the familiarity available to all who are open to those promptings in the journey of life.
Sparks of the Universe
Rituals Awakening Appreciation for Earth our Common Home by Jennifer Callanan

‘…the ecological crisis is … a summons to profound interior conversion.’
Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, #217
Sparks of the Universe is a book of rituals inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, On Care for our Common Home. It is a resource for educators, students and all those committed to awakening ecological awareness.
Responding to the Pope’s invitation, the rituals in Sparks of the Universe invite stillness, deep listening, communal reflection and engagement with the environment.
Pope Francis also says that, ‘…young people have a new ecological sensitivity and a generous spirit…’ [LS:209]. This generous spirit requires nurturing; the rituals in Sparks of the Universe provide an opportunity to nurture and create places of grounded hope at these times of ecological crisis.
Buy it here
Cosmic Sparks
Igniting a Re Enchantment with the Sacred

By Margie Abbott RSM
“I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. We need a conversation that includes everyone, since the environment challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all”
(Pope Francis, Laudato Sí, 14).
In his encyclical ‘Laudato Sí’, Pope Francis shows the grave consequences of our blindness to the sacred, living earth. He quotes with enthusiasm Francis of Assisi: “Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruits with coloured
flowers and herbs” (Canticle of Brother Earth and Sister Moon).
Cosmic Sparks builds on the thesis that Earth is all we have; we come from Earth and unto Earth we shall return. The collection of rituals is about realising that Earth is sacred once and for all.
Margie is a Sister of Mercy based in Geelong, with qualifications in education, spirituality, theology, facilitation and psychodrama. She leads eco-spirituality retreats, is a Laudato Sí animator, and facilitates groups nationally and internationally. Margie highly values inner independence, the contemplative stance and active hope for a healing world. Cosmic Sparks is her fourth book.