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Lois Baldwin spiritual directordeterminationMaori Christ

Religious background

My life journey has taken me from the simplicity of rural Open Brethren traditions through urban Baptist and overseas missions, aid and development, through family years, leadership in tertiary education, incarnational living in slums, through Catholic pilgrimages and the Spiritual Exercises, through ecumenical silent retreats and retreats in daily life, to the training of spiritual companions for an Anglican diocese and turning our home into a ‘Breathing Space’ retreat house.

After some years overseas, I now live in Mangere, write prayer resources for A Rocha, and enjoy a life-giving second marriage – alongside a generous family of infant, teenage and young adult grandchildren, middle years adult children and elderly siblings.

I am deeply disturbed by the deterioration in the health of our planet, in the social and spiritual health of the world’s peoples, and in the justice and goodness of our communities. Doubts and faith are ever with me; creativity and the created world and the Creator bring me resilience and hope.

Approach to spiritual direction

I love to accompany fellow-pilgrims, to hold sacred space, and encourage in-depth conversations that lead to the Holy and find Christ in the midst. I am intrigued by both Ignatian and contemplative approaches to prayer, and liturgical rhythms sustain my spirit.

Amongst those I have accompanied are pilgrims who are of varied ethnicities, gender-diverse, or busy and stretched, those in transition or discernment processes, many who are leaders in faith communities, and some who are deconstructing or losing their faith. Together we seek the gentle, generous and joyous, the creative, curious and kind – the Mystery.

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