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Elinor Galbraith Spiritual Director
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
I am a Mother, Friend, Spiritual director, Spa therapist and Retreat facilitator. I love all things centred in the Divine, that are simple, nourishing and inclusive. Here at Seasons Soulcare we are about living a soulful and intentional life. By slowing down and turning inward towards our heart and indwelling wisdom (God, Sophia the Divine ..) we can hear the places that need attention, healing, more joy, more softening and love.

Helen Tripp spiritual director
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Spiritual Direction provides a space and place to 'hear yourself', explore you own, unique story. There is opportunity of process, sit with questions, look for meaning along with expanding your relationship and experience of The Holy One. I provide a trustworthy, attentive and hopeful environment. This environment will encourage and enable you to see God at work in your every day through beauty, truth and goodness - in yourself and in The Divine's Kingdom

Full Member of Association
Not presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
I like to use the words spiritual accompaniment and I enjoy accompanying people as they try to find where God is active in their lives. It is, I believe, a privileged journey.

Anne Chrisp Spiritual Director
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Spiritual direction provides a spacious sacred container to hear yourself speak, honour what is true for you and deepen your life. I invite those who come for direction to tell their story and to discern what is most life-giving for them. Together, we explore what is significant or holy, in words or silence or creativity.

Helen-Gray Spiritual Director
Spiritual direction has been hugely formative for me, and I feel privileged to be able to offer it to others. I provide a warm and relaxed space marked by respect and perceptive listening. My prayer is that I can help someone to open to the Infinite Love that indwells us all, and to find unique responses to that Love. I might use scripture and other wisdom writing, images, poetry, silence, creative expression, movement and drawing.

Lyndall Brown Spiritual Director
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
My approach to Spiritual Direction flows from a belief that all of life is sacred. As I journey with another with a listening and open heart my hope is that they discover within their life an invitation to grow into the fullness of the Gospel call to live life to the full.
I journey with another in a holistic way recognising the presence of God in body, mind and spirit. I would hope to deepen in the other a heart presence to Life.

Jenny McDowall Spiritual Director
I am a fairly new spiritual director in the contemplative tradition. My approach is to sit with you and walk with you on your spiritual journey, asking questions to help you clarify things, deepen experiences and see where God is at work in your own life. I love the metaphor of a midwife – being the one who helps bring birth to something new. I like to connect with God through nature myself and this is something I foster. We have a large garden which is in the process of being developed as a Quiet Garden – a place where people can spend time being still, connecting with God, letting go of stress and listening. In the future it will be open for structured quiet days as well as for personal retreat times. I am happy to work with directees over Zoom (though face to face is my preference!) especially with those in the mission space.

Rachel Kitchens Spiritual Director 2
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Not presently accepting clients
South Auckland
I believe spiritual direction is primarily about helping the directee listen to God, speak to God, and respond to God's invitations. I work with people to help remove any barriers to this communication with God, and we do that through a variety of ways- through art, the imagination, movement, scripture, silence, and stillness. My deep joy is watching people explore prayer, contemplation, and the whispers of God for themselves through the work of the Father, enacted by Jesus, and breathed on by the Holy Spirit.

Nicky Browne Spiritual Director
Spiritual Direction is a sacred space where stories are honoured, not fixed, and where the individual's humanity is embraced as part of their connection to a loving God. It unveils the divine within everyday moments through quiet questions, reflection, and discernment. It is holy hospitality, welcoming the entirety of one's being – joys, hopes, fears, dreams, decisions and doubts.

Jovita Parker, spiritual Director
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Not presently accepting clients
South Auckland
My approach to the Spiritual Direction relationship is one of openness, welcome and listening to you and to the Holy Spirit, walking the journey with you as you are led by God's grace. I have a particular interest in working with dreams, and creative expression through colour/drawing.

Anne McCracken Spiritual Director
Whangarei based. I have this quote in my Spiritual Direction room to remind me of what I'm about: "...a way of looking and listening, of beholding, marvelling, considering...we are all called to contemplation" (Margaret Magdelen). I love to see the surprising and often unexpected ways God is revealed to be at work to those sitting in conversation with me.

Claire Russell Spiritual Director
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Hutt Valley
It is my joy and privilege to journey with people as a co-listener for Presence in their everyday-ness. I love to create and hold a sacred space for this listening exploration to occur.

Rose Jenkin Spiritual Director
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Not presently accepting clients
Central Auckland

Eamon Butler Spiritual Director
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
offer a contemplative approach to Spiritual Direction to men and women from all walks of life. This approach involves above all a spiritual companionship that is characterized by a deep reflective listening with an individual who wants to explore their relationship with God in a safe, secure and sacred environment. My task as spiritual director is to help a person hear their own unique spiritual story in a new light and offer ways of noticing and responding to the activity of God in their life. Through the spiritual process my deepest desire for individuals is that they will grow in their knowledge of God and themselves which will in turn help them fall more deeply in love with God. Life then, becomes all the more meaningful and richer in every way as a result.

Christeen McKay spiritual director
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Otago Southland
I came to spiritual direction in my later years after working as a psychologist for 30 years and after some difficulties in defining the boundaries between the two disciplines I have come to a place where they inform each other and blend well. The role of companioning someone on their journey into the Loving Mystery of God is a privilege. My intention is to listen deeply without judgement, open to all aspects of being because every part of a person; mental, emotional, relational and spiritual is grist to the mill of life and is an invitation drawing us closer to the realisation of Emmanual (God with us).

Marion Baker, Spiritual Director
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
East Auckland
As a spiritual director I accompany those who want to become more attuned to God’s presence in their lives. I offer a quiet, hospitable, sacred space to reflect, to explore, to question and to engage with God’s invitations.

Sheryl James Spiritual Director 2
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
As a Spiritual Director, I am a soul friend to others. I value accompanying others as they search to deepen their relationship with the divine and grow in their own personal spiritual journey. I have a personal interest in the importance of dreams and the way God speaks to us in our spiritual life way. have a special interest in how loss and grief can influence our spirituality. I am also interesed in different personalities and how these can complement and deepen relationships as we come to understand ourselves as the unique person God created and grow in compassion and forgiveness. I believe the interconnectedness of body, mind, spirit and the cosmos add a richness and beauty to each person. For me, “the real Director is the Holy Spirit hidden in the depths of our soul.” Thomas Merton.

Cathryn Wiles-Pickard Spiritual Director
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
I prefer to use the term Companion as I believe I am accompanying a person on their spiritual journey. I like to listen to the person - allow them to 'tell their story' and encouraging them to trust their own personal experiences - reflect upon their experiences and 'seeing' how God is present in the ordinary and sometimes extraordinary daily events of life. I have been trained through the Spiritual Growth Ministry and have been a Spiritual Director for 15 Years.

Donald Scott Spiritual director
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Having been involved in pastoral leadership for over 30 years, recently transitioning into prioritising spiritual direction and wider involvement across the Body of Christ. I have a passion to help people grow in awareness and response to God’s Presence within them, around them, in Creation, in all contexts of life. Learning to live from an inner posture of rest and peace has been a life long journey and eager to walk alongside others to grow in the wonder of who we are as Gods image bearers.

Kathryn Overall Spiritual Director
As a spiritual director, it is my privilege to companion people as they reflect on the spiritual dimension of their lives. The primary relationship in the room is between you and God, One-ness, Love, or whatever your language for the transcendent is. I desire to serve that relationship through deep listening, open questions and creative enquiry. I won’t tell you what to think or believe. Rather we look and listen together for the ‘sound of the genuine’ within your own soul and the holy invitations that are present in the midst of your ordinary life.

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