Your new Executive met in February in Wellington for the day. Here is some of the news from that meeting:
Steve Tollestrup Co-opted to Executive: Steve was elected to the Executive last year, but we realised he was only an Associate Member. It was decided that the best way of regularising this was to co-opted Steve to the Exec.
New and Old Members….
We noted the following members have decided to not renew their membership, and we wish them well:

- Sandra Thomas
- Ken Baker
- Bridie Southall
- Pip Nichols
- Kelvin Wright
Welcome to new members: Donald Scott and Renate Frei
Next Training Event
Our last TE is only just over, but planning has begun for the next one which will be held in the Wellington Region in 2021.
Thanks to the Auckland Team who organised the Training Event.
Thanks to those who gave feedback on last year’s event in Auckland, this will be discussed at the next Exec meeting and passed on to the Wellington planning group.
The Event made a small loss of $2,309 which will be able to be covered within our ongoing budget, rather than from money held.
Spiritual Directors International
Two of our members – Anne Chrisp and Agnes Hermans are off to the SDI conference in the USA, and have promised a report on their return.
June Executive meeting…
This meeting will focus on looking at our Strategic Plan