Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Hawkes Bay
Abuse survivors, Chaplaincy, Mental Health, Wellness
Charismatic, Contemplative, Covid Vaccinated, Evangelical, Welcomes LGBTI+
Contact details

Religious background
Can we invent an Integrative Christian category?
My faith is centred on Jesus. I’m a triple citizen of NZ, the UK and the Kingdom of God.
Coming from a C of E home in England saw me attending first Catholic, then Anglo Catholic schools. Both shaped my understanding of God and faith enormously.
My diverse theological training has included time with BCNZ (now Laidlaw), St John’s College (Anglican) and Carey Baptist College – and of course the college of life, as is true for us all.
Ordained as an Anglican priest in the mid 90s, I have experience in both local church and chaplaincy ministries, and have particularly valued opportunities to work closely with Maori colleagues, deepening my understanding of te wairua.
I am a long time supporter of Elevate, a Christian organization supporting those with disabilities – and I enjoy living out my faith in secular contexts. I sing in a choir, and play competitive hockey.
Approach to spiritual direction
Kiaora koutou…
In 4 words, my approach is: “Live in the present!”
I am shaped by the Ignatian Exercises and the desire to balance contemplation and action as I follow Jesus – but as your spiritual companion, my role is to help you reflect on how your life is being shaped, and to engage with God in that process.
As a chaplain I employ the art of spiritual direction in a broad range of settings, and am comfortable offering that diversity to directees too… my style is largely invitational.
While my own anchor is in Christianity, I welcome all who are exploring their spiritual journey.
Based now in Napier, but at home on line