Full Member of Association
Presently accepting clients
Abuse survivors, Interfaith, Men's spirituality, Mental Health, Social Justice, Women's spirituality

Religious background
While I trained as a Spiritual Director in The Seed under Fr Mark Chamberlain in 2001 and as a Supervisor in 2017, I’ve felt the companionship of God since childhood.
Conversation with God came naturally to me.
I grew up Presbyterian in the United States I have been in New Zealand for 50 years. I finally felt spiritually at home on our Presbyterian Marae at Ohope Beach. My mother’s people were native American. I was ordained to ministry in 2002.
Approach to spiritual direction
I love encouraging people to
- use all their senses to notice how God is present in their life
- become more intimate with God through daily spiritual discipline
- tell the story of their relationship with God as it grows and changes
- truly know how much God loves them just as they are
I use contemplative listening, silence, interactive drawing, spiritual imagination