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Full Member of Association

I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person

Trained and offers supervision

Presently accepting clients

Auckland / North Auckland


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Fran Francis Spiritual DirectorSolace, fran francis spiritual director

Religious background

I’m mixed bag and I like it! Contemplative Christianity is where I am at home.

I love it’s intrinsic creativity, grace-infused perspective, and capacity to unify because it flows under, through and beyond our cultural and religious boundaries. My non-religious home life surprisingly led to a rich spiritual pathway through Catholic schooling, Anglican confirmation, teen and young adult years in a Pentecostal Baptist setting which was abusive, moving to a gentler expression of contemporary faith in Vineyard Aotearoa, pastoring with my husband until a few years ago.

He’s still in the saddle and I’m doing this! Studying for a Masters in Ministry and training as a spiritual director was transformative as I encountered different theological perspectives, studied The Ancients and developed a love for our spiritual tūpuna, the Saints and Church Fathers and Mothers and above all, Jesus.

Approach to spiritual direction

As your spiritual director I’d be listening with you to all aspects of your life – decisions, work, relationships, dreams, disappointments, joys…the whole shebang, and together we’d be looking for “the holy in the ordinary”.

I’m trained in a Contemplative/Incarnational model of spiritual direction which is unstructured and lively. Central to the session is you and God. I see myself as an extra pairs of eyes and ears with you; present in the highs, lows and plateaus of ordinary life, looking and listening with you for the invitations of God to you. Not a guru but a sounding board.

Not a judge but friend to your soul. Not a teacher but a resource. Not an advisor but a skilled listener. I enjoy kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) spiritual direction but also love offering retreats and spiritual practice workshops.

I’m Pākeha, Cis, She/her, and doing my best to learn how to be a good ally.

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