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Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
I combine three decades of pastoring with my spiritual direction training to provide spiritual direction mainly for men and with a particular focus on pastors and leaders. I practise spiritual direction under the umbrella of Solace, which was formed a decade or so ago by my wife Fran, a spiritual director and leader of the Spiritual Growth Ministries spiritual directors formation programme.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
I see life as a journey. We all go on journeys to destinations near and far. We experience new cultures and have wonderful adventures; we may do extraordinary feats or go to unexplored places. But for many of us our journeys go within ourselves.
- Who am I?
- What am I here for?
- Is there a God?
- Who is God?
- What is life all about?
I see it as a privilege to listen alongside you for movement of the Sacred.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
As your spiritual director I'd be listening with you to all aspects of your life - decisions, work, relationships, dreams, disappointments, joys...the whole shebang, and together we'd be looking for "the holy in the ordinary". I'm trained in a Contemplative/Incarnational model of spiritual direction which is unstructured and lively. Central to the session is you and God. I see myself as an extra pairs of eyes and ears with you; present in the highs, lows and plateaus of ordinary life, looking and listening with you for the invitations of God to you. Not a guru but a sounding board. Not a judge but friend to your soul. Not a teacher but a resource. Not an advisor but a skilled listener. I enjoy kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) spiritual direction but also love offering retreats and spiritual practice workshops.
I'm Pākeha, Cis, She/her, and doing my best to learn how to be a good ally.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
When I consider spiritual direction, I find myself drawn to the Celtic understanding of spiritual companionship. As an 'Anam Cara' or 'Soul Friend', I have the privilege of walking alongside people as they explore the terrain of their ordinary lives with our hearts attuned for the movement of a loving God there. Together we look for the 'beckoning green finger of God' within the ordinary and everyday.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Upper South Island
I love to offer a variety of creative practices within Spiritual Direction, both one-on-one and in small groups. I'm continually amazed at how God meets people when enagaging our senses creatively, especially through touch, visually and by listening.