by John R Mabry in Presence Magazine
Read it here
Our Northland group of spiritual directors had our twice yearly meeting. As well as a reflection, a round of sharing and catch ups about what is happening in our area, we usually reflect on an article about spiritual direction.

This time we shared an article, published in the June 2018 Presence magazine, about Interfaith Spiritual Direction.
It frames the thinking about interfaith issues into Inclusivism, Exclusivism and Pluralism. It also describes some nuances in Pluralism.
It led us to reflect on the current consideration being given to a proposed name change for ACSD. We decided as a group that we would like to share the article with the ACSD executive with the question “Where would ACSD place itself in these perspectives?”
We also would like to recommend that the article be shared with the members, to help inform people’s thinking about the proposed name change. I am not sure of the best way to do this, hence I am passing it on to you.