What a year it has been for us all – the Executive finally managed a face to face meeting in Wellington in November. Apart from some of the business summarised below, Steve Tollustrup led us in a strategic planning exercise – more on that in another post.
The executive plans to meet twice a year face to face and other meetings via ZOOM – our next meeting is on March 27th on Zoom
Welcome to new members:

Sharryn McAuliffe is now a full member, having completed her 50 hours of supervised Spiritual Direction
If you are an associate member, and have completed your 50 hours – give this form to your supervisor, and ask them to complete it and send it to the Secretary.
Full Member applicationMembership categories
The executive has done some work on new categories of membership, in particular these key changes
- Addition of a new category: Retired $40pa – for those members who have retired from active ministry but still want to remain connected to the Association. They will still get the newsletter and be able to attend the Training Event
- Removal of “grace’ as a category and the ability for the executive to waive fees in any category on compassionate grounds
Privacy Issues
It was agreed that the Secretary of the Association will be the Privacy Officer, and will be doing some work on what this means for the Association.