Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Bay of Plenty
Anglican, non denominational, Post Church
Church Leadership, Creativity and Spirituality, Grief and Loss, Hearing God in nature, Wellness
Charismatic, Contemplative, Leads Retreats, Welcomes LGBTI+
Contact details

Religious background
My background has been varied over the years. I attended a Catholic primary school which was positive and impacted me deeply. I was christened, confirmed and married in the Anglican Church, and am currently attending an Anglican Church. We have also been part of Baptist, Elim and Presbyterian congregations over the years.
Countries I have ministered in are China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Egypt. These experiences have significantly influenced my outlook on life. I was born in South Africa, have Australian and New Zealand citizenship and close family in USA; currently living in and loving Tauranga.
Because of this eclectic life and background my mountain is Calvary, my river is the Jordan. Christ is my waka and the gospel is my story. Nature is extremely important to me and I believe as I look at Mother Earth I see the face and character of God reflected there.
As a wife, mother and grandmother family plays a big part in my life.
Approach to spiritual direction
For me the space when I’m together with another is a place of warmth and hospitality. A place where everything on life’s journey can be brought into the light and love of the Trinity. A place where a person can speak and be heard and respect is given to the sacredness within us. To refrain from offering interpretations and to remain curious and adopt a not-knowing position is important for me. To trust that there is something to be learned from each and every experience shared.
As your companion, to offer what was noticed, appreciated and wondered about as I listened, in an effort to help you increase awareness of your soul’s expressions and the sacredness of your story; a place for both laughter and tears
As a person with years of missionary experience I bring an aspect of understanding significant life transitions and the challenges that come with moving countries and working cross-culturally.