Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Auckland / East Auckland
Chaplaincy, Climate Change, Creativity and Spirituality, Grief and Loss, Mental Health, Social Justice, The Environment, Wellness, Women's spirituality
Contemplative, Covid Vaccinated, Leads Retreats, Welcomes LGBTI+
Contact details

Religious background
The Anglican Church has been my lifelong community of faith with the Eucharist and
sacraments at the heart and centre, while many experiences on my faith journey have
influenced my spirituality. One was an experience as a child of being deeply apprehended at
a particular moment by nature. This thread and insight into the interconnectedness of all
things continues to influence my spiritual journey and perceptions of the nature of God.
The birth of my children and the wonder of new life deepened my faith, and a powerful
experience of God’s love drew me toward serving God more fully. Ordained as a self-
supporting (non-stipendiary) Anglican Priest in 1983, I was inspired by learning of the
ministry of ‘worker Priests’ in France, and also the 12 th century figures of Saint Francis and St Clare, both of whom sought to live and follow in the footsteps of Christ.
Work experiences too, have been influential. As a student Occupational Therapist in several
psychiatric hospitals, and as Charge OT working with older and younger disabled, and later
as a psychotherapist and supervisor, I developed deep respect for human suffering and the
capacity of the human spirit to not only survive but to thrive, given opportunity. Other key
experiences were working as a locum hospital chaplain, and as a counsellor at the South
Auckland Centre, of Friendship House set up by a combination of Churches.
Studying the Art of Spiritual Direction at San Francisco Theological Seminary helped me
draw together these experiences into a cohesive whole and to recognize my contemplative
nature more deeply. And as a member of ACSD, developing connections and ongoing
learning with a wide range of other spiritual directors, has enriched my practice, as has
growing older. From my Franciscan calling and the significance of community I seek to
address injustice at the many levels where it is found, to promote peace and the integrity of
Approach to spiritual direction
As a spiritual director I offer you presence, space and time, within which to explore your
lived experience of God in everyday life.
Together we will seek to listen deeply, to notice, experience God and the movement of the
Spirit in your life. Through reflection on your current and emerging understandings, a
clearer understanding of who you are, who you were created to be and of what holds you
back from becoming more deeply yourself may be discovered. I understand God as present
in our doubts and struggles, difficulties and pain as well as in our certainty, delight and
healing. Discernment of God’s presence, invitation and call, takes time and patience to hear
and identify what is true and real and to respond.
Walter J. Burghardt describes spiritual direction as “taking a long loving look at the Real”. I
find this a good description of the opportunity to reflect, lovingly and gently on life, faith
and relationships and discover what is true in our lives, whether we like it or shy away from
I welcome those from a wide range of Christian belief, expression of faith, and diversity, and
also those searching and unsure. I feel privileged in travelling with those seeking to find
meaning and fullness of life and to navigate times of challenge or transition. Spiritual
direction recognizes all this is as a sacred journey of connection with God, one another and
our world.