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Amanda Pilbrow Spiritual DirectorAmanda Pilbrow Spiritual Director logoAmanda Pilbrow Spiritual Director reflecting

Religious background

I grew up and was confirmed in the Anglican church. Later I spent time within the Navigators and later within the Open Brethren. After studying at Laidlaw we did a spell as Life Church and then I became a Baptist Pastor for several years. After burning out and having a six month break from church and the people we attended a Vineyard church. Now, I would consider myself non-denominational.

I believe each denomination or faith community has offered meaningful expressions, and understandings, and experiences that have impacted and moved my journey forward. Equally, there are elements of these denominations that I have needed to sift through and let go of for my faith journey to not only survive but thrive. After my pastor position I returned to full-time study at Carey.

I now hold a Master of Applied Theology that continues to fuel my curiosity and research while I remain a constant student that is no longer afraid of doubt and questions. Rather, I am learning to embrace them as confirmations of a living and moving faith.

Approach to spiritual direction

Sometimes, we feel like we have hit a brick wall spiritually. Other times one’s reality and theology no longer match, and we know something might need to shift; we might need to unlearn, let go, and learn anew. Perhaps these moments are holy invitations – invitations out of something, or invitations into something.

Perhaps part of that invitation is to seek out a spiritual director who will hold space, listen well to your story, notice, and wonder alongside, helping you to recognise and lean into the presence of God within you. Holding such spaces within spiritual direction brings insight and the potential for freedom. It is my pleasure to do so alongside my directees. Additionally, being an Enneagram Practitioner, these tools, interwoven, can offer a deeper self, other, and God-awareness. Why do I love Spiritual Direction? Because when directees discover new insights, revelations, new freedoms, and the invitation to see themselves as God sees them – as unconditionally loved and embraced – such moments become turning points in our faith journey.

Research, revisiting scripture, and listening to people’s lived stories have led me to be a faith-full person and an ally. At heart, what I can offer any person of faith is the opportunity to know themselves as God knows them.

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