Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Not presently accepting clients
Auckland / Central Auckland
Catholic, non denominational, Post Church
Abuse survivors, Climate Change, Grief and Loss, Social Justice, The Environment, Women's spirituality
Contemplative, Covid Vaccinated, Leads Retreats, Welcomes LGBTI+
Contact details

Religious background
I have been a Sister of the Missions for almost 60 years, and over that time I have become fascinated by the life-long developmental, spiral nature of faith.
My spiritual journey began in a strict Catholic up-bringing and Novitiate training, through the Charismatic movement; study of church history, theology and comparative religions; teaching in Catholic schools; experiencing faith ‘crises’; working for justice and peace; preparing Methodist students for ordination; making annual retreats (including a 30-day Ignatian retreat) and many years of working with individuals and groups as a certificated Pastoral Counsellor…towards an ever-growing awe and wonder at the reality of the Divine Presence permeating all that exists, in and through the extraordinary process of evolution…all gathering up now into a more contemplative spirituality and style of living.
One thing that has become important to me is the Interconnectedness of spirituality, science and cosmology
Approach to spiritual direction
It has always been a delight and a privilege for me to accompany people in walking their personal
faith journey – which may or may not be within a church context. I believe spirituality is intrinsic to our humanity, and is grounded in our very nature of human being-ness and meaning-making.
I see my primary role as providing a safe space for a person to reflect on their life and explore their inner calling, along with the sharing of Christianity’s long and varied traditions of the many paths into the Divine. I believe, with St Thomas Aquinas, that Nature is God’s first Bible, and I personally know Nature’s power to heal, to teach, to reveal…
Conscious breathing, body awareness, attentive listening/moving to music, wandering in Nature, creating poetry/one’s own psalms, journaling, free drawing…are just some of the many doors into spirituality that I encourage people to use.
I am also very open to learn from another person’s faith tradition, and to assist them to reflect on and respond to the spiritual depths to which they may be called, through their specific tradition.