Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Bay of Plenty
Creativity and Spirituality, Grief and Loss, Mental Health, Social Justice, The Environment, Wellness, Women's spirituality
Charismatic, Contemplative, Leads Retreats
Contact details

Religious background
I’m a Christian, and have been on the journey all my life with it’s varying flow.
Born in Darjeeling, India, launched in me a deep awareness of others different to me, and I them, and different ways of being and valuing people and things.
Many beautiful people in both family and Church life (Baptist) have helped draw me to who I am today. Church life has seen me engaged with valuable tradition, spiritual practices and close relating intergenerationally. Working closely with folks working cross-culturallly-in Asia- has remained a high value.
I’ve been awed by Supernatural presence as well as the gentle quiet way of God along the way. Reading, worshipping, trying out new things and reflecting on my choices good and not so good, have formed me.
Jesus, Holy Spirit and the God of creation, has opened up for me the myriad of ways God speaks and acts as well as being silent and frustratingly invisible at times.
Approach to spiritual direction
How are God and I getting along lately? What’s God up to in me, and around me? God, could you speak a little louder? Where is God? What’s God like? How do I make sense of all the stuff happening around me and in this world? What’s my part?
Having a conversation with someone is a great way to explore these questions and more, and pay attention to what God might be communicating. And to find the next steps in this mysterious, surprising, sometimes one-foot-in-front-of -the-other, or standstill walk with God. Maybe your questions are before these – like is there a God, how do I find out?
If you are here God is calling you to new ways of being in company with -Love- God’s-Self and the adventure of transformation.