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Full Member of Association

I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person

Trained and offers supervision

Presently accepting clients

Auckland / North Auckland

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Jacinda Lilly Spiritual DirectorWellspring logo - Jacinda Lilly Spiritual Director

Religious background

I’ve been a grateful recipient of having been part of several streams of the church. I grew up in the Anglican tradition and then spent my teenage and early 20’s in the Baptist and Pentecostal expressions of the church. From my mid-20s until now, I’ve been immersed in the Vineyard family of churches in the UK, USA, and here in NZ.

My various seasons of study have enabled me to experience and appreciate the diverse church body globally and historically. I find myself frequently in wonder at the beauty and richness there is to be found in the tapestry of faith wherever it is found and however it is practiced. As I was taught many years ago, “If you go looking for Jesus, you’ll find Him.”

Approach to spiritual direction

When I consider spiritual direction, I find myself drawn to the Celtic understanding of spiritual companionship. As an ‘Anam Cara’ or ‘Soul Friend’, I have the privilege of walking alongside people as they explore the terrain of their ordinary lives with our hearts attuned for the movement of a loving God there. Together we look for the ‘beckoning green finger of God’ within the ordinary and everyday.

Drawing on 30 years of pastoral leadership, I’m passionate about accompanying people as they navigate life, faith, and ministry with God, and particularly love to work with lay leaders, pastors, and clergy in the space of spiritual direction and ministry supervision.

I find myself walking with and listening to people as they:
~ navigate seasons of doubt;
~ seek to go deeper with God;
~ explore ways to practice spiritual practices;
~ tease out the threads of their journey with God and the challenges and joys of leadership….

You can find out more on my website.

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