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Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Hutt Valley
It is my joy and privilege to journey with people as a co-listener for Presence in their everyday-ness. I love to create and hold a sacred space for this listening exploration to occur.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
When I consider spiritual direction, I find myself drawn to the Celtic understanding of spiritual companionship. As an 'Anam Cara' or 'Soul Friend', I have the privilege of walking alongside people as they explore the terrain of their ordinary lives with our hearts attuned for the movement of a loving God there. Together we look for the 'beckoning green finger of God' within the ordinary and everyday.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Kapiti Coast
Spiritual direction has been hugely formative for me, and I feel privileged to be able to offer it to others. I provide a warm and relaxed space marked by respect and perceptive listening. My prayer is that I can help someone to open to the Infinite Love that indwells us all, and to find unique responses to that Love. I might use scripture and other wisdom writing, images, poetry, silence, creative expression, movement and drawing.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Not presently accepting clients
I aim to be warm and friendly, and to listen well to my clients/directees
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
West Auckland
Accompanying someone on their spiritual journey is a great privilege! I seek to offer a place of safety and confidentiality where deep listening and reflection occurs - a space where everyone's unique story can be gently unfolded and honoured in God's presence.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Upper South Island
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
I see life as a journey. We all go on journeys to destinations near and far. We experience new cultures and have wonderful adventures; we may do extraordinary feats or go to unexplored places. But for many of us our journeys go within ourselves.
- Who am I?
- What am I here for?
- Is there a God?
- Who is God?
- What is life all about?
I see it as a privilege to listen alongside you for movement of the Sacred.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
When you come to spiritual direction, you are opening yourself to hear God’s invitation to grow in the ‘unforced rhythms of grace’. As I walk alongside you on your faith journey, my role is to offer you the gift of safe space and deep listening. You bring your experiences, and together, we discern and celebrate the Sacred in the everydayness of your life. My prayer is that you grow in self-awareness and developing intimacy with God.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
West Auckland
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
Being a Spiritual Director is such a privilege. To sit with another as they share their struggles, joys, sorrow, desires and questions is to be standing on Holy Ground.
I offer Spiritual Direction from my home, where I offer a place of welcome, warmth, safety, friendship and acceptance. It is a place where you can dare to share and express your thoughts, feelings, questions, desires, failures and successes, free of judgment. It is a time where tears and laughter are welcome. Nothing in your life is out of bounds, all is welcome, even what you might think is too ordinary or too glorious or be ashamed of. It is a time where the masks that we often wear can be set aside and what lies deep within can be slowly revealed. It’s a time where we go deeper, listening for what God might be saying and inviting you too and also a time where you can listen deeply to yourself.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
East Auckland
Spiritual Direction is a sacred space where stories are honoured, not fixed, and where the individual's humanity is embraced as part of their connection to a loving God. It unveils the divine within everyday moments through quiet questions, reflection, and discernment. It is holy hospitality, welcoming the entirety of one's being – joys, hopes, fears, dreams, decisions and doubts.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Upper South Island
I love to offer a variety of creative practices within Spiritual Direction, both one-on-one and in small groups. I'm continually amazed at how God meets people when enagaging our senses creatively, especially through touch, visually and by listening.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
South Auckland
Spiritual direction will provide you with dedicated time and a confidential space where you can plumb the depths of your personal/spiritual life at a pace that is suitable to you.
As spiritual director i consider my role as partnering with you as you traverse and travail the heights and depths of your personal/spiritual journey, encouraging you to notice and attend to the invitations and movements of the Holy amidst your life experiences and current journey. In Pukekohe or online
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
For me spiritual direction/companioning is a place of freedom to notice, share and reflect on life. Anything and everything may be brought to spiritual direction. It is a place to linger with God and with ourselves, in a spirit of curiosity and openness. It’s a place to love questions and engage with them, to wonder and explore. It’s a safe space of deep listening, attentiveness and trust, where both light and dark, joy and struggle, love and fear – all the paradoxes of life – may find expression.