Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Wellington / Hutt Valley
Creativity and Spirituality, Grief and Loss, Hearing God in nature, Interfaith, The Environment, Wellness, Women's spirituality
Contemplative, Interactive Drawing Therapy
Contact details

Religious background
I grew up Presbyterian then grew into a more charismatic expression of faith. Then a love of liturgy has emerged along with a love for silence and a contemplative way of being.
Approach to spiritual direction
For me, Spiritual Direction is a sacred space offering deep listening with and alongside another. Together, deep listening attends to where life, joy, hope, or challenge might be and seeks the voice of divine wisdom that resides in the human heart. I see this divine wisdom as the Holy Spirit, the spirit of the Creator of all that is, and/or the indwelling Presence of God – that is to say, I am open to what language for this most resonates with the person before me.
It is a joy and a privilege to walk alongside another as they discover their own voice and the voice of the Divine as they navigate life’s seasons, challenges and transitions.
This space is your space, bring what you need to. I offer to hold this space in sacred, non-judgemental care, being curious with you about what is happening for you. This might look like sitting with silence, or we may pray with words, or read poems/scripture in the mode of lectio divina, then we may find interactive drawing therapy processes helpful…. whatever you feel drawn to and you find helpful… let’s discover together your ways of connecting with yourself and the Divine.