Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Anglican, Catholic, non denominational
Climate Change, Disability, Grief and Loss, Interfaith, Social Justice, Spirituality of ageing, The Environment, Treaty Partnership
Contemplative, Covid Vaccinated, Facilitates spiritual formation groups, Welcomes LGBTI+
Contact details

Religious background
I attribute my faith from an early age from my mother, who loved God deeply. I grew up in the Baptist Church which gave a deep love of God and scripture. In my twenties I grew into a more charismatic setting, which enlarged my joy and freedom of expression.
For another season, I worshipped at the local Catholic Church and fell in love with liturgy and ritual. I now happily worship at my local Anglican Church which seems to embrace the various styles of worship that I have encountered in my walk with God. I would
describe my faith as contemplative and believe our God is bigger than any construct of church.
Approach to spiritual direction
Spiritual direction is where one person is prayerfully present and attentive to another. Offering spiritual direction is a privileged place where I can encourage people to unpack what is happening in their lives and for them to notice and discover the movements of God therein.
In Spiritual Direction I invite a person to sit with God, in an uninterrupted space, where they can listen to God and to their own heart. I welcome the opportunity to support people as a co-listener, as we witness together the emergence of newness and
growth in a person’s life. I am happy to be with those whose spiritual experience is different from mine. In spiritual direction, I also can learn from those who I accompany.