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Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Spiritual direction is where one person is prayerfully present and attentive to another. Offering spiritual direction is a privileged place where I can encourage people to unpack what is happening in their lives and for them to notice and discover the movements of God therein. In Spiritual Direction I invite a person to sit with God, in an uninterrupted space, where they can listen to God and to their own heart. I welcome the opportunity to support people as a co-listener, as we witness together the emergence of newness and
growth in a person’s life. I am happy to be with those whose spiritual experience is different from mine. In spiritual direction, I also can learn from those who I accompany.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Spiritual Direction/Companionship
Christians believe that our God is a personally-communicating God who wants to have a relationship with us. I understand a Spiritual Director as someone who walks with us as we endeavour to pay attention to the presence of God in our life and respond to what we are hearing and noticing. God is present in the whole of our life, and can pop up in least expected places!
I have been offering spiritual direction/mentoring since 1992, as well as leading Quiet Days and Retreats - including 5 day retreats in the midst of the beauties of the natural world on Stewart Island. I am passionate about helping people grow in their relationship with God. As I move into retirement from employment in parish and chaplaincy ministries, I have more time to give to spiritual direction (and supervision if this is your need).
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
Abuse survivors, Chaplaincy, Climate Change, Creativity and Spirituality, Disability, Grief and Loss, Hearing God in nature, Interfaith, Mental Health, Motherhood/parenting and faith journey, Recovery from Trauma, Social Justice, Spirituality of ageing, Sustainability, The Environment, Treaty Partnership, Wellness, Women's spirituality
Deepening our relationship with God is the journey of a life time & perhaps beyond! My intention is to provide a warm, welcoming, safe space for you to explore and deepen your relationship with God. I find it a profound privilege to accompany people as they explore God's presence in their lives. Spiritual Direction is a sacred space for you and God. Sometimes it is only when we step out of the busyness of our lives and take time to talk about our relationships, work, whanau, hobbies, & passions, to someone who truly listens, that we begin to attune to and become more aware of God's presence within the extra-ordinaryness of our lives.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
West Auckland
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
Would you like to become more self-aware as you reflect on your life story and grow your awareness of the “Holy in the ordinary”? Do you notice the moments of grace in your life? Are you searching for practices that will help you connect more deeply with the Sacred? Would you like to respond to the inner invitations that arise in your life of faith?
Whether you're curious about Spiritual Direction or feel a strong pull towards it, this is a welcoming space for you. Your background and beliefs are not barriers; they enrich our collective exploration. You will be embraced with love and acceptance as we embark on this journey together.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
I love the process of Spiritual Direction. Journeying with someone to find the Divine along the path. I enjoy working with someone where they are at, and how they want to proceed.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
My approach to Spiritual Direction is that of creating a welcoming listening space, where you feel comfortable to share whatever you are most present to in your life experience at this time, whatever that might be. A space where you are deeply heard and together we attend to your awareness of God and Divine Presence in your life, however this is named, and where we can attend to what is seeking to emerge as a way forward in your life.
I have been inspired by the rich tradition of the christian mystics, and draw on a background of contemplative and Ignatian prayer practices in accompanying others. Among other things I have a passion for grandchildren, the awe and beauty of nature, walking, photography, and good films.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Upper South Island
Often when we begin, or when we are on our spiritual journey, we come across an ‘intersection of uncertainty’ - not knowing which way to turn, feeling the need for meaningful guidance. My sense is spiritual direction is, by its’ nature, a supporting guide on our pilgrimage to knowing and growing our spiritual selves. In spiritual direction you will find yourself chaperoned by a director and guided by the spirit of Love. There is deep listening, prayer, parables, dreamwork, enneagram and discernment in this sacred container. And, overtime, awareness of self and spirit develops; telling markers, symbols and associations announce their place, their nurturing value in your spiritual formation. Your uncertainty of which way to turn gains clarity, all the while moving you farther along on your spiritual journey. Slowly, and assuredly your meaningful relationship with God unfolds……. and it is good.
Full Member of Association
Presently accepting clients
I like the description Midwife to the Soul. Accompanying another on their spiritual journey is a very old tradition and have found it very vital in my own journey.