I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Bay of Plenty
Anglican, Baptist, Ecumenical, non denominational, Post Church
Climate Change, Creativity and Spirituality, Hearing God in nature, The Environment, Treaty Partnership, Women's spirituality

Religious background
I sit within the contemplative tradition of Christian spirituality these days, however I am open to accompanying those of other faith traditions.
I have an ecumenical outlook. I have a broad range of church experiences from childhood to the present time: traditional, evangelical, and charismatic Anglican and Baptist Churches in New Zealand, England and Scotland; a touch of Pentecostal influence at university (Apostolic Church); plus six years teaching at a Catholic Primary School. I am currently attending an inner city Anglican Church.
I value learning and have a Bachelor of Ministries degree majoring in Spiritual Formation from the Bible College of New Zealand, now known as Laidlaw College (1992-1994). I was shaped by living in this large, multi-ethnic, non-denominational community for three years.
I am a first generation New Zealander and I feel privileged to be Tangata Tiriti in this beautiful land. I appreciate te ao Māori, and am learning te reo at a basic level.
Regular participation in silent prayer retreats adds depth and richness to the rhythm of my life. I am shaped by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, completed at St. Beuno’s Jesuit Retreat Centre, Wales, Spring 2000.
Experiencing God within nature/outdoors is important for my well-being. I have a sporty background and have been a member of the Auckland Baptist Tramping Club since the mid-90’s.
My spirituality has been shaped by two family members with disabilities who live in supported living environments. I appreciate the ways they have enriched my life and understand some of the ongoing challenges faced by those who support dependent adults.
Approach to spiritual direction
God (or the Divine or whatever name you are comfortable with) draws the start-line right where you are on your spiritual journey. My role is to accompany you in a caring, non-judgmental way. You may be moving into an unfamiliar landscape, or feeling your way through a dark valley, or celebrating joyfully on a mountain-top. You may be trying to decide which road to take at an intersection, or wandering along aimlessly wondering if there is more to life than this? Or perhaps you are taking a break from the busy trail, resting and recovering in a quiet lay-by.
I am here as a second pair of eyes and ears, to help you see and hear God in your everyday life, and to support you in discerning God’s invitations, moment by moment. My job is not to tell you how to live your life, but to create a safe space for you to talk about and explore any aspect of your story. I will listen deeply, reflect back, and ask open questions.
I’ve been a pilgrim on the spiritual journey for most of my life, through thick and thin, and have gathered a few useful tools in my backpack to share with you when needed. They include: a range of spiritual practices and ways of praying; finding God in nature; Myers-Briggs; the Enneagram; working with dreams; creative expressions of spirituality; drawing therapy; a growing collection of useful books, poems and music; and – good old common sense!
All are welcome.