Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Canterbury / Christchurch
Climate Change, Creativity and Spirituality, Grief and Loss, Hearing God in nature, Interfaith, Motherhood/parenting and faith journey, Recovery from Trauma, Social Justice, Spirituality of ageing, The Environment, Women's spirituality
Contemplative, Covid Vaccinated, Ignatian Spiritual Directors, Interactive Drawing Therapy, Leads Retreats, Welcomes LGBTI+
Contact details

Religious background
The journey of my life with its depths and heights, led me to search for meaning and purpose early in life, and to look for the ‘underneath’ of life stories. This led to formation in sociology and social work, counselling, and in time spiritual direction.
I am a Catholic since being baptised in my late teens, I honour the ‘universal, all-embracing’ significance of this tradition. I value the intersections with other christian and faith traditions, and recognise the importance of the challenges we face today regarding care for the earth, its peoples and justice and peace.
My life experience as mother, partner in marriage and grandmother is ongoing formation. The influence of belonging to a contemporary contemplative community in the UK some years ago has been significant, and more recently formation in the Ignatian spirituality tradition with the richness of prayer practice. I am on the team of Ignatian spirituality NZ, and have regularly accompanied others on 6 & 8 retreats.
Approach to spiritual direction
My approach to Spiritual Direction is that of creating a welcoming listening space, where you feel comfortable to share whatever you are most present to in your life experience at this time, whatever that might be. A space where you are deeply heard and together we attend to your awareness of God and Divine Presence in your life, however this is named, and where we can attend to what is seeking to emerge as a way forward in your life.
I have been inspired by the rich tradition of the Christian mystics, and draw on a background of contemplative and Ignatian prayer practices in accompanying others. Among other things I have a passion for grandchildren, the awe and beauty of nature, walking, photography, and good films.