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Sandy Thomson Spiritual DirectorSandy Thomson Spiritual Director - travelling companions

Religious background

I came back to a living faith in the late 1990s in a Charismatic Anglican church in Edinburgh. I was a house group leader and played in the worship band. My wife, Wendy, and I worked with New Wine Scotland for many years. We had decided to move to NZ and devote our efforts to Kingdom Stuff rather than the professional lives we had followed.

I studied at Laidlaw and spent eight years on the staff of Shore Vineyard Church, serving in various pastoral, community, and operational roles.
I am now retired and am using my time to support a small number of fellow travellers in Spiritual Direction.

Approach to spiritual direction

Would you like to become more self-aware as you reflect on your life story and grow your awareness of the “Holy in the ordinary”? Do you notice the moments of grace in your life? Are you searching for practices that will help you connect more deeply with the Sacred? Would you like to respond to the inner invitations that arise in your life of faith?

Whether you’re curious about Spiritual Direction or feel a strong pull towards it, this is a welcoming space for you. Your background and beliefs are not barriers; they enrich our collective exploration. You will be embraced with love and acceptance as we embark on this journey together.

This shared journey will not be about me sharing the right way to do things, but together, we will explore your relationship with God and open ourselves to be aware of where the Spirit of God is engaging with you.

I feel led to be open to communities on the edge of the ‘normal.’ My own experience with ADHD and close friends in the rainbow world open my heart to their lives.

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