I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Auckland / Central Auckland
Anglican, Baptist, Ecumenical, Post Church
Abuse survivors, Chaplaincy, Climate Change, Creativity and Spirituality, Disability, Grief and Loss, Hearing God in nature, Interfaith, Mental Health, Motherhood/parenting and faith journey, Recovery from Trauma, Social Justice, Spirituality of ageing, Sustainability, The Environment, Treaty Partnership, Wellness, Women's spirituality
Charismatic, Contemplative, Evangelical, Leads Retreats, Welcomes LGBTI+
Contact details

Religious background
Catholic and Protestant streams run through my whanau. And I have attended Baptist and Anglican churches in the past. I currently attend what could perhaps be described as a slightly alternative church in Central Auckland. Contemplative retreats, Centering Prayer, and wisdom teaching has been a deep current within my deepening relationship with God and this continues. Whether you are deeply committed to your local church community, or consider yourself post church, please feel welcome to contact me.
Approach to spiritual direction
Deepening our relationship with God is the journey of a life time & perhaps beyond! My intention is to provide a warm, welcoming, safe space for you to explore and deepen your relationship with God. I find it a profound privilege to accompany people as they explore God’s presence in their lives. Spiritual Direction is a sacred space for you and God. Sometimes it is only when we step out of the busyness of our lives and take time to talk about our relationships, work, whanau, hobbies, & passions, to someone who truly listens, that we begin to attune to and become more aware of God’s presence within the extra-ordinaryness of our lives.
I enjoy working with people from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. I am particularly interested in accompanying people who are recovering from trauma or who have grappled with Mental Health issues. I have found it helpful to have a Spirtiual Director accompany me and it is a joy now to walk alongside others in this way. I may suggest creative activities, or share prayer practices, as we journey together. My primary role is to deeply listen to you and to provide an extra pair of eyes, ears (and heart :)) as you actively attune to God,& seek to live out the consequences of this evolving relationship, one step at a time…