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I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
My approach to spiritual direction is to listen to ‘your’ stories, to bring prompts or questions that may help uncover deeper meaning. I delight in offering a poem, image or activity which opens space for the insight that comes when we stop ‘thinking’ and let thoughts ‘come’. I trust that God hovers close. I draw each session into the sacred silence, listening to the voice/feeling/image/mood of God.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
Quiet Space Spiritual Direction - I offer a safe and confidential space for you to come as you are, pause in the midst of the busyness of life and explore...reflect...wonder about yourself, about God, about everything and anything, really. As a spiritual director, my role is to facilitate this space, believing that God speaks in infinite ways - we need only be still.
Full Member of Association
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
To provide a space where clients can experience safety, acceptance and know they are welcomed by God wherever they are at that moment in life. Where I can offer loving attention to who they are, whatever they bring and offer discernment and insight to help clarify 'where they are'' leading to a place of hope and trust.
I have a particular interest in the Labyrinth as a place of literal journeying involving body, soul and spirit to process and find new quietening, insight and understanding . I have a Labyrinth that I can offer for any Directee for both a Spiritual Direction Session or for their own private use.
Visual symbols are important to me, that I offer by way of 'having out' in my Spiritual Direction Space for the Directee's visit that they may or may not pay attention to. These will be relevant to the seasons of the year , seasons in the Christian Calendar, or just there because of the prompting of the Spirit. I prefer to see clients face to face.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
West Auckland
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
East Auckland
As a spiritual director I accompany those who want to become more attuned to God’s presence in their lives. I offer a quiet, hospitable, sacred space to reflect, to explore, to question and to engage with God’s invitations.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
Years ago, I was struck by the thought that God has all the time in the world for me, that I’m never tiresome or boring, but instead a delight to be with. In spiritual direction I seek to show that sort of generosity to someone coming to me. I want to hear the stories of others and together with them probe where God might be at work in those stories. It’s usually through the narratives of work, relationships and life in general, but it may also be through exploring a dream, or perhaps what seem to be barren landscapes. That has been my experience in receiving spiritual direction, and I enjoy giving others the opportunity to share too. I believe that nothing is beyond the realm of God’s interest, so anything can be brought to our session and aired.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
When I consider spiritual direction, I find myself drawn to the Celtic understanding of spiritual companionship. As an 'Anam Cara' or 'Soul Friend', I have the privilege of walking alongside people as they explore the terrain of their ordinary lives with our hearts attuned for the movement of a loving God there. Together we look for the 'beckoning green finger of God' within the ordinary and everyday.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
West Auckland
I use two metaphors to describe the practice of Spiritual Direction; that of a midwife, and to borrow the name from the Celtic world, an Anam Cara or Soul Friend. Both invite and allow for ways of companioning and journeying alongside another at their own pace whatever story they may be living and telling, offering a sense of encouragement, care and support while at the same time noticing the movements and presence of God within.
Full Member of Association
Not presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
I like to use the words spiritual accompaniment and I enjoy accompanying people as they try to find where God is active in their lives. It is, I believe, a privileged journey.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
I love Eugene Peterson's description of a spiritual director as
'someone who will show up, and shut up - just to be there, an honest, prayerful presence with no responsibility to be anything other than what you have become in your obedient lifetime'.
I am probably better at showing up, than in shutting up, but I do seek to be the prayerful presence that listens with attention and intention to God, and the other, and find - in our conversation - that God is indeed at work.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
South Auckland
Spiritual direction will provide you with dedicated time and a confidential space where you can plumb the depths of your personal/spiritual life at a pace that is suitable to you.
As spiritual director i consider my role as partnering with you as you traverse and travail the heights and depths of your personal/spiritual journey, encouraging you to notice and attend to the invitations and movements of the Holy amidst your life experiences and current journey. In Pukekohe or online
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
When you come to spiritual direction, you are opening yourself to hear God’s invitation to grow in the ‘unforced rhythms of grace’. As I walk alongside you on your faith journey, my role is to offer you the gift of safe space and deep listening. You bring your experiences, and together, we discern and celebrate the Sacred in the everydayness of your life. My prayer is that you grow in self-awareness and developing intimacy with God.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Not presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
West Auckland
Accompanying someone on their spiritual journey is a great privilege! I seek to offer a place of safety and confidentiality where deep listening and reflection occurs - a space where everyone's unique story can be gently unfolded and honoured in God's presence.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
As a Spiritual Director, I am a soul friend to others. I value accompanying others as they search to deepen their relationship with the divine and grow in their own personal spiritual journey.
I am personally interested in the significance of dreams and how God communicates with us in our spiritual lives as well as the impact of loss and grief on our spirituality. Additionally, I am also interested by different personalities and how they complement and enrich our understanding of ourselves. I believe relationships are essential in helping us recognise ourselves a the unique individuals God created us to be, fostering our growth in compassion and forgiveness.
I appreciate the interconnectedness of body, mind, spirit and the cosmos which adds richness and beauty to each person. For me, “the real Director is the Holy Spirit hidden in the depths of our soul.” Thomas Merton.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
South Auckland
I believe spiritual direction is primarily about helping the directee listen to God, speak to God, and respond to God's invitations. I work with people to help remove any barriers to this communication with God, and we do that through a variety of ways- through art, the imagination, movement, scripture, silence, and stillness. My deep joy is watching people explore prayer, contemplation, and the whispers of God for themselves through the work of the Father, enacted by Jesus, and breathed on by the Holy Spirit.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
Being a Spiritual Director is such a privilege. To sit with another as they share their struggles, joys, sorrow, desires and questions is to be standing on Holy Ground.
I offer Spiritual Direction from my home, where I offer a place of welcome, warmth, safety, friendship and acceptance. It is a place where you can dare to share and express your thoughts, feelings, questions, desires, failures and successes, free of judgment. It is a time where tears and laughter are welcome. Nothing in your life is out of bounds, all is welcome, even what you might think is too ordinary or too glorious or be ashamed of. It is a time where the masks that we often wear can be set aside and what lies deep within can be slowly revealed. It’s a time where we go deeper, listening for what God might be saying and inviting you too and also a time where you can listen deeply to yourself.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Not presently accepting clients
South Auckland
My approach to the Spiritual Direction relationship is one of openness, welcome and listening to you and to the Holy Spirit, walking the journey with you as you are led by God's grace. I have a particular interest in working with dreams, and creative expression through colour/drawing.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
East Auckland
Spiritual Direction is a sacred space where stories are honoured, not fixed, and where the individual's humanity is embraced as part of their connection to a loving God. It unveils the divine within everyday moments through quiet questions, reflection, and discernment. It is holy hospitality, welcoming the entirety of one's being – joys, hopes, fears, dreams, decisions and doubts.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
I prefer to use the term Companion as I believe I am accompanying a person on their spiritual journey. I like to listen to the person - allow them to 'tell their story' and encouraging them to trust their own personal experiences - reflect upon their experiences and 'seeing' how God is present in the ordinary and sometimes extraordinary daily events of life.
I have been trained through the Spiritual Growth Ministry and have been a Spiritual Director for 15 Years.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
As your spiritual director I'd be listening with you to all aspects of your life - decisions, work, relationships, dreams, disappointments, joys...the whole shebang, and together we'd be looking for "the holy in the ordinary". I'm trained in a Contemplative/Incarnational model of spiritual direction which is unstructured and lively. Central to the session is you and God. I see myself as an extra pairs of eyes and ears with you; present in the highs, lows and plateaus of ordinary life, looking and listening with you for the invitations of God to you. Not a guru but a sounding board. Not a judge but friend to your soul. Not a teacher but a resource. Not an advisor but a skilled listener. I enjoy kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) spiritual direction but also love offering retreats and spiritual practice workshops.
I'm Pākeha, Cis, She/her, and doing my best to learn how to be a good ally.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
I combine three decades of pastoring with my spiritual direction training to provide spiritual direction mainly for men and with a particular focus on pastors and leaders. I practise spiritual direction under the umbrella of Solace, which was formed a decade or so ago by my wife Fran, a spiritual director and leader of the Spiritual Growth Ministries spiritual directors formation programme.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
I see life as a journey. We all go on journeys to destinations near and far. We experience new cultures and have wonderful adventures; we may do extraordinary feats or go to unexplored places. But for many of us our journeys go within ourselves.
- Who am I?
- What am I here for?
- Is there a God?
- Who is God?
- What is life all about?
I see it as a privilege to listen alongside you for movement of the Sacred.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Not presently accepting clients
West Auckland
I see spiritual direction as a relationship in which one person helps another ‘with a personal understanding of the spiritual life, growth in self-knowledge, and deepening intimacy with God.’ (Janet Ruffing, To Tell the Sacred Tale: Spiritual Direction and Narrative. New York, NY: Paulist Press, 2011, p. 2).
In practical terms, for me this means meeting one-to-one with people, usually monthly, to talk about spiritual issues and to explore where God is in the midst of daily life and work. The term 'spiritual director' might suggest someone who is going to tell you how to live your spiritual life, but that is not how I see it. Rather, the one coming to spiritual direction decides what they want to talk about, and I seek to walk alongside as a companion and a co-discerner. This is something I enjoy and find to be a great privilege!
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
offer a contemplative approach to Spiritual Direction to men and women from all walks of life. This approach involves above all a spiritual companionship that is characterized by a deep reflective listening with an individual who wants to explore their relationship with God in a safe, secure and sacred environment. My task as spiritual director is to help a person hear their own unique spiritual story in a new light and offer ways of noticing and responding to the activity of God in their life. Through the spiritual process my deepest desire for individuals is that they will grow in their knowledge of God and themselves which will in turn help them fall more deeply in love with God. Life then, becomes all the more meaningful and richer in every way as a result.