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Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
West Auckland
The time and space is yours, to talk about what you want to, God is present in midst of the whole of life and our faith cannot be separated out from our work and relationships and how we find ourselves engaging with those around us. My approach is to seek to listen, feedback and encourage your sense of God's presence and working in your life(Celtic). I am willing to explore dreams. d
I also manage a Community Hub Space centrally located in Avondale, there are rooms /hall available for hire and could be suitable for spiritual direction and workshops I am involved in working with local charities /restorative justice and charity governance.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
In a warm and compassionate environment, we patiently talk, rest or wait for God, as we hunger for His life to come more fully and we ask "What is the truest thing about you?" and "Who are you within God's story?"
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
West Auckland
I approach spiritual direction as one of life’s great and noble adventures as we set out to explore and discover the presence and voice of the sacred in our world and within ourselves. On this path, we learn to listen and respond to a loving God beyond our imagination. This spiritual journey requires that we are equipped with courage and bravery to move beyond our fixed notions in the hope and assurance of deeper insight. On this journey, we hold the world and ourselves with compassion and kind-heartedness.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
I love the process of Spiritual Direction. Journeying with someone to find the Divine along the path. I enjoy working with someone where they are at, and how they want to proceed.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
I like the metaphor of being a companion on the journey. Sometimes a new companion can bring a fresh perspective to the path ahead. Perhaps provide an alternative route or a way out of what may
feel like a dry and spirit-less desert.
My approach is contemplative; presence and listening lie at the heart of my work. For this reason, I am comfortable working with people from the broad sweep of Christian traditions. And because of my hospice work, I have an affinity with people who might describe themselves as unchurched seekers or refugees from dogmatism.
“And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”
Meister Eckhart
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
I prefer a holistic approach to faith journeys, where no matter the starting point, I can walk beside someone and hold space for them. Spiritual Direction is a place where deep work can happen, gently, over time.
I have clients who have been with me for 2-3 years, others for a year and still others whom I meet at retreats on a daily basis for the duration of their retreat.
I enjoy interacting with a variety of people and their own very special journeys into faith.
I was brought up in a bi-lingual family, I can offer Spiritual direction in Spanish as well as English.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
West Auckland
I offer a well grounded listening into life of the directee’s whole journey. My heart is to join with the directee to discover in what ways God to seeking to break into their lives.
I enjoy most working with men and young men, those with out of control sexual behaviour as well as Christian leaders, missionaries and pastors offering spiritual direction, counselling and supervision.
I tend to specialise in transitions, grief, spiritual and sexual abuse and trauma, PTST, Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS), sex addictions, clearing anger, contemplative spiritual practices, debriefing and community development.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Upper South Island
Abuse survivors, Chaplaincy, Church Leadership, Climate Change, Creativity and Spirituality, Grief and Loss, Hearing God in nature, Men's spirituality, Mental Health, Motherhood/parenting and faith journey, Recovery from Trauma, Social Justice, Sustainability, The Environment, Treaty Partnership, Women's spirituality
A place of holding you and your loved ones in God's presence
. A place _ The Sanctuary, where all that happens is in God's presence
A place of deep listening -.
A place of noticing where your story connects with God's story
A place of discerning , with God, where the Holy spirit is nudging you
A place where we journey together, using the life stories that are part of you
A place where creativity is valued
A place where your whanau is valued
A place where your culture and language are valued.
A place to enjoy God together
A place to be in awe and wonder with our Creator
A Holy space and place
We may sit in The Sanctuary
We may walk on the beach
We may sit beside the river
We may listen to the tui and kereru - or the raindrops
You may rest and refresh and renew in the guest room and around the rohe
In this place there will be karakia . There will be korero. There will be kai and there will be an opportunity to respond with a koha
You may come for an hour a month. You may come for a 5 day retreat
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
I love journeying alongside people of all ages as a companion on the way as they listen to, and feel the movements of God’s Spirit in their lives through prayer, contemplation, silence, nature, workplaces, places of worship, and the chaos, and joys of living fully.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
East Auckland
Spiritual Direction is a place to attend to the questions of meaning, purpose, interconnectedness, hope and faith that humans carry with them. My intention in spiritual direction is to craft a space in which we can listen together to the things that matter most to you: your values, your spirituality, your sense of who you are and the work that is yours to do.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
Sometimes, we feel like we have hit a brick wall spiritually. Other times one's reality and theology no longer match, and we know something might need to shift; we might need to unlearn, let go, and learn anew. Perhaps these moments are holy invitations – invitations out of something, or invitations into something.
Perhaps part of that invitation is to seek out a spiritual director who will hold space, listen well to your story, notice, and wonder alongside, helping you to recognise and lean into the presence of God within you. Holding such spaces within spiritual direction brings insight and the potential for freedom. It is my pleasure to do so alongside my directees.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
South Auckland
I love to accompany fellow-pilgrims, to hold sacred space, and encourage in-depth conversations that lead to the Holy and find Christ in the midst. I am intrigued by both Ignatian and contemplative approaches to prayer, and liturgical rhythms sustain my spirit.
Amongst those I have accompanied are pilgrims who are of varied ethnicities, gender-diverse, or busy and stretched, those in transition or discernment processes, many who are leaders in faith communities, and some who are deconstructing or losing their faith. Together we seek the gentle, generous and joyous, the creative, curious and kind – the Mystery.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Bay of Plenty
How are God and I getting along lately? What's God up to in me, and around me? God, could you speak a little louder? Where is God? What's God like? How do I make sense of all the stuff happening around me and in this world? What's my part?
Having a conversation with someone is a great way to explore these questions and more, and pay attention to what God might be communicating. And to find the next steps in this mysterious, surprising, sometimes one-foot-in-front-of -the-other, or standstill walk with God. Maybe your questions are before these - like is there a God, how do I find out?
If you are here God is calling you to new ways of being in company with -Love- God's-Self and the adventure of transformation.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
My approach to Spiritual Direction is as a companion who walks alongside another as they seek to unfold the wonder and mystery of how God is being revealed in and through the everyday moments of their life story.
Within a non-threatening welcoming quiet space, and through active deep listening as your companion, is offered the invitation to confidentially explore your relationship with God enabling discoveries and insights that are waiting to be noticed as faith becomes awakened and deepened.
Full Member of Association
Presently accepting clients
I love encouraging people to
use all their senses to notice how God is present in their life
become more intimate with God through daily spiritual discipline
tell the story of their relationship with God as it grows and changes
truly know how much God loves them just as they are
I use contemplative listening, silence, interactive drawing, spiritual imagination
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Stepping into the regular practice of spiritual direction saved my faith by providing me with a safe space to take the lid off the box I had put the God of my limited understanding into. The God of my unknowing leaped out and embraced me! I’m so grateful that I had a spiritual companion accompanying me on that journey as I discovered that God is so much more expansive and gracious, loving and kind, than I had previously allowed. Having someone who listens with curiosity and compassion, and who continually provides a scaffolding of care and hope as I wonder, wrestle, rest, question, explore, discern, wander, re-orientate and wonder again, has been the missing piece to my faith. Finding a new language and way of being with God within the contemplative tradition reshaped and reinvigorated my spiritual life, deepening my relationship with God. Could God be inviting you into a similar journey? It would by my joy and privilege to accompany you.
My direction practice is called "Be". With the tagline 'Time for you, with God, accompanied by another.'
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
I see spiritual companioning as a form of contemplative practice, during which I try to meet people where they are at. When I work with a new person, I may explore the various 'gateways' she or he uses to connect with the wonder, awe and mystery of life, or what some of us may choose to call 'God'. Then I work to expand and open these gateways by sharing readings, resources and practices, to support a deeper awareness of and connection with Life, with God....
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
My approach to spiritual direction stems from the Ignatian tradition. I am trained as a spiritual director and a 'giver of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.
Ignatian Spiritual Direction is based on Ignatian spirituality, developed by Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556). The Ignatian Tradition leads the directee through a journey of uncovering their deepest desires and discovering who they truly are, that is, a person who is loved by God. The tradition also equips the directee with methods for identifying inner movements, and spiritual growth. These help the directee find the path of their own spiritual journey.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Otago Southland
I have been a Baptist pastor for over 20 years, 26 years as a Policeman before that. I now live in Thames in the Coromandel. Happy to meet in person or by video link (Messenger in preference)
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Many of us experience seasons of questioning and even doubt in relation to aspects of our faith, meaning there can be times when we may find ourselves needing to go through a process of deconstruction and rebuilding. This can often be a confusing (or even painful) process. Accompaniment and spiritual companionship can be important when this happens in helping to maintain perspective, live with tensions and mystery, and searching for a sense of God in it all.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
As a Spiritual Director I see myself is as a companion who walks alongside another at their own pace, helping them to discover the wonder and mystery of the Divine through the everyday moments of their life story. In a non-threatening and non-judgemental but welcoming quiet space online, deep listening is offered, where you can confidentially explore your relationship with the Divine, and notice, reflect, question and engage with the Divine.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Not presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
It has always been a delight and a privilege for me to accompany people in walking their personal
faith journey – which may or may not be within a church context. I believe spirituality is intrinsic to our humanity, and is grounded in our very nature of human being-ness and meaning-making.
I see my primary role as providing a safe space for a person to reflect on their life and explore their inner calling, along with the sharing of Christianity’s long and varied traditions of the many paths into the Divine. I believe, with St Thomas Aquinas, that Nature is God’s first Bible, and I personally know Nature’s power to heal, to teach, to reveal…
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
We all have a piece of God in us. I believe the more we know ourselves as God created us, the more we know God.
A lot of my SD involves helping people understand themselves and who God created them to be so they can live their lives to the full.
Full Member of Association
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
I seem to have been gifted with a sharp intellect and great compassion born out of various moments of suffering in my life. I try as a listener to help my people to see and accept their giftedness and love so that they can acknowledge their lines of stress and learn to accept and grow from them. I use imagery, dreams, drawing, vision, prayer - whatever is best suited to the personality of the person.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
“Listening with another to the Spirit’s direction.”
“Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.” (Frederick Buechner)
I have the immense privilege of listening to the life that people choose to share with me. I listen to them, I listen with them, and together we notice the Spirit’s direction.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
I am not hierarchical and see myself as an experienced spiritual companion who would accompany you on your spiritual growth journey. I approach it with a non-judgmental strength based focus. My background has been in educational leadership and the dimension I find easiest to work with is the mind rather than the heart. However, connection with the heart is an aspect of my growth. I am well read and I am happy to work across cultures and across ages. My secondary school background means that I am very keen to connect with young people. I wished I had a spiritual director 20 years earlier. God at the centre, humour and family are very important to me. I have personally been encouraged and strengthened holistically by spiritual direction both in my personal life and in my work.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
Would you like to become more self-aware as you reflect on your life story and grow your awareness of the “Holy in the ordinary”? Do you notice the moments of grace in your life? Are you searching for practices that will help you connect more deeply with the Sacred? Would you like to respond to the inner invitations that arise in your life of faith?
Whether you're curious about Spiritual Direction or feel a strong pull towards it, this is a welcoming space for you. Your background and beliefs are not barriers; they enrich our collective exploration. You will be embraced with love and acceptance as we embark on this journey together.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Bay of Plenty
It is an amazing privilege for me to accompany a person on the journey to deeply listen to the whispers of God in the bits and pieces of everyday life and deep in the heart. I allow space for a person to attend to what is emerging, attentive to the uniqueness of each journey and attuning to the dance of the Spirit in the person's life in openness and gratitude. William A. Barry in his book "God and You" sums it up well when he says 'You will grow in reverence for your own experience as the privileged place to meet God.'
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
am an Ignatian director, trained in the SEED programme in Christchurch and now in Te Wairua Mahi. My commitment is that the session is primarily between you and God with me offering helpful quiet interventions that may assist us both to listen to the Divine Lover more deeply. In a limited way, I use poetry and story-telling, and I also value the natural world which especially relevant because the space where i meet with you in person backs onto our lovely garden in Pukerua Bay. I call my spiritual direction Facebook page Eccles Unlimited Consultancy because I believe that what you and me and God can do together is unlimited!
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
I care about people finding the way to a deeper connection with the God who loves us, but the how and even the desire is often not clear, and life can be complicated. We need a place to pause and reflect in the presence of another. I see spiritual direction as an opportunity to untangle life and our longings in the presence of a companion who is seeking to listen deeply both to the person, and for what might be the nudges and invitations of God in their journey. It can be a place of discovery and fresh insight in the ‘ordinariness’ of life, often coming through quietness or creative means, available to anyone whatever their age or stage.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
The Spiritual Direction Session is a time when the directee has control of the agenda. They are free to bring any topic that they wish or need to talk about. My role is to listen, reflect back what I am hearing and ask questions to help them reflect on what they are saying. I intentionally listen to them and to Holy Spirit, asking for guidance in how I am to respond. The question "Where is God in this?" is uppermost.
Attending my own Spiritual Direction sessions has been so important in my life My heart's desire is to be able to offer the same support to others that I have received. It is a huge privilege to journey with another as they seek to draw closer to our loving God.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Spiritual direction is where one person is prayerfully present and attentive to another. Offering spiritual direction is a privileged place where I can encourage people to unpack what is happening in their lives and for them to notice and discover the movements of God therein. In Spiritual Direction I invite a person to sit with God, in an uninterrupted space, where they can listen to God and to their own heart. I welcome the opportunity to support people as a co-listener, as we witness together the emergence of newness and
growth in a person’s life. I am happy to be with those whose spiritual experience is different from mine. In spiritual direction, I also can learn from those who I accompany.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Not presently accepting clients
West Auckland
In spiritual direction I seek to offer a warm and safe space for people to reflect on where the Spirit might already be present, including through noticing what is happening in their ordinary every day lives, and how they might respond and take delight in it.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
I offer a confidential, non-judgemental and expansive space: to explore and ask questions; connect faith with your daily life (and vice versa); and deepen your relationship with God (the animating force of the universe, Source of Life and Love, and whatever reference you use). Open to gender inclusive God-concepts and language. Open to everyone regardless of church affiliation (or none).
I somewhat liken a spiritual director to a spiritual ‘life coach’: we help people explore and develop a meaningful spirituality or faith in the context of their life. Our time together is usually an hour once a month and is self-directed (what you do and don’t share and explore is up to you). My primary role is to listen and reflect back in helpful - and non-judgemental - ways.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Upper South Island
My approach to Spiritual Direction is informed by Ignatian Spirituality.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
It seems to me that the Spirit, Breath, Wind of God is at work everywhere in this beautiful and fallen world; constantly speaking and offering invitations to join with Godself (whatever language one uses for the Divine).
The Spiritual Director's role, as I see it, is to help the one who comes for direction to notice where God is present in their own life and the life of others.
In Spiritual Direction I try to discern the Spirit whispers occurring and to help the one with me to hear those whispers and direct invitations for themselves.
We live in the country but I offer Spiritual Direction in different venues in Christchurch and surrounds and can also do that on line.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
It is an absolute privilege being a Spiritual Director. I am an active listener and have a compassionate heart. I aim to companion my directees in their life's journey to discover who they are as people who are loved and accepted by their Creator. I endeavour to help them to listen to what the Spirit is calling them to and how God is communicating God's self to them in their daily lives. I do this though my open questioning and deep listening.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Not presently accepting clients
I welcome all people in their beautiful diversity of faith, sexuality, age, ethnicity and gender. And I'll be led by what you're bringing to the sacred space. We co-listen to the Spirit together. It's important to me that dignity of everyone is upheld, we all have stories, sometimes messy, sometimes confusing and we all still bear God's image. We can forget this in the midst of the hard stuff, so lets try to remember again together.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
North Auckland
Spiritual Direction sessions are held tenderly in God. The session is about you and God. I'm there to listen carefully to you and stay tuned to the Holy Spirit. I offer confidentiality, privacy in a safe welcoming space. As you talk about your everyday life experiences - your highs and lows, your relationships, your work, your decisions - I will accompany you as you notice, reflect, explore, question and engage with God.
To assist you to move from head to heart and grow in self-awareness and intimacy with God, I can offer interactive drawing therapy, focusing, dream work, imaginative use of scripture, different types of prayer, music, poetry, finding God in nature.
This is both a joy and privilege for me as I accompany another on their spiritual journey.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Spiritual Direction/Companionship
Christians believe that our God is a personally-communicating God who wants to have a relationship with us. I understand a Spiritual Director as someone who walks with us as we endeavour to pay attention to the presence of God in our life and respond to what we are hearing and noticing. God is present in the whole of our life, and can pop up in least expected places!
I have been offering spiritual direction/mentoring since 1992, as well as leading Quiet Days and Retreats - including 5 day retreats in the midst of the beauties of the natural world on Stewart Island. I am passionate about helping people grow in their relationship with God. As I move into retirement from employment in parish and chaplaincy ministries, I have more time to give to spiritual direction (and supervision if this is your need).
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
My approach to Spiritual Direction is that of creating a welcoming listening space, where you feel comfortable to share whatever you are most present to in your life experience at this time, whatever that might be. A space where you are deeply heard and together we attend to your awareness of God and Divine Presence in your life, however this is named, and where we can attend to what is seeking to emerge as a way forward in your life.
I have been inspired by the rich tradition of the christian mystics, and draw on a background of contemplative and Ignatian prayer practices in accompanying others. Among other things I have a passion for grandchildren, the awe and beauty of nature, walking, photography, and good films.
Full Member of Association
Presently accepting clients
I am excited by taking time to notice the small miracles and the grace- filled gifts each day.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
East Auckland
As a spiritual director I offer you presence, space and time, within which to explore your
lived experience of God in everyday life.
Walter J. Burghardt describes spiritual direction as “taking a long loving look at the Real”. I
find this a good description of the opportunity to reflect, lovingly and gently on life, faith
and relationships and discover what is true in our lives, whether we like it or shy away from
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
I see spiritual direction as an opportunity for people to bring whatever aspects of their life they wish to share, seeking primarily to explore the question: "Where is God in this?" I hope that through this process, people will have an opportunity to grow in intimacy with God in the way that is right for them. For on-going spiritual direction, I usually see people once a month, but obviously this is arranged to meet the needs of the individual person.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
Spiritual Direction is ‘listening to the other’ and ‘enabling’ them by empathetic hearing and provocative questions to recognise God in the ordinariness of their lives including their work, leisure, dreams, daydreams and conversations.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Upper South Island
Often when we begin, or when we are on our spiritual journey, we come across an ‘intersection of uncertainty’ - not knowing which way to turn, feeling the need for meaningful guidance. My sense is spiritual direction is, by its’ nature, a supporting guide on our pilgrimage to knowing and growing our spiritual selves. In spiritual direction you will find yourself chaperoned by a director and guided by the spirit of Love. There is deep listening, prayer, parables, dreamwork, enneagram and discernment in this sacred container. And, overtime, awareness of self and spirit develops; telling markers, symbols and associations announce their place, their nurturing value in your spiritual formation. Your uncertainty of which way to turn gains clarity, all the while moving you farther along on your spiritual journey. Slowly, and assuredly your meaningful relationship with God unfolds……. and it is good.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
My approach is person centered, creative, exploratory and open to all things, all peoples, all journeys. I have a beautiful room to work in, horses to play with, to see your journey transformed by their presence. I use drawing, play, humour, symbol and dreams. If I know little about what you want to use, I will learn with you, you are my teacher in understanding God's leading in your life.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Not presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
Every spiritual-life journey is unique, and no two people encounter God the same way. I love listening to the thoughts, feelings, spiritual experiences, joy, disappointment or deep longing that resides within someone seeking to know God. I am always aware that when someone speaks about their relationship with God, they are in fact speaking to God, not just to me. God listens. That makes spiritual direction a bit like prayer. Sometimes God even responds! My commitment to everyone who sees me for spiritual direction is that I will listen to them, and with them to God. A number of people who see me work in vocational Christian ministry or the charity sector. I have experience in providing ministry supervision in addition to, or alongside, spiritual direction. I am particularly interested in the intersection of spirituality and vocational ministry, though I enjoy working with anyone wanting to deepen their awareness of God's presence in their life.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
I see Spiritual Direction as being a companion in accompanying others to become aware of what God is doing in and around them so that they can respond to, and partner with God in it and therefore take pleasure in seeing what unfolds.
Its being fully present to another through listening Incarnationally as they explore their life's journey, asking questions that enables self reflection, understanding and growth.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
Abuse survivors, Chaplaincy, Climate Change, Creativity and Spirituality, Disability, Grief and Loss, Hearing God in nature, Interfaith, Mental Health, Motherhood/parenting and faith journey, Recovery from Trauma, Social Justice, Spirituality of ageing, Sustainability, The Environment, Treaty Partnership, Wellness, Women's spirituality
Deepening our relationship with God is the journey of a life time & perhaps beyond! My intention is to provide a warm, welcoming, safe space for you to explore and deepen your relationship with God. I find it a profound privilege to accompany people as they explore God's presence in their lives. Spiritual Direction is a sacred space for you and God. Sometimes it is only when we step out of the busyness of our lives and take time to talk about our relationships, work, whanau, hobbies, & passions, to someone who truly listens, that we begin to attune to and become more aware of God's presence within the extra-ordinaryness of our lives.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
It is a privilege to hold a space for another to explore their life and discern together where the Spirit is at work. As I sit with another, we are at an oasis, sharing the life-giving water. Sometimes it feels like dry desert times, difficult dark times or easy joyous times. All are welcome and held as sacred offerings and invitations into the Divine.
Working at Peacemakers Retreat Center we naturally engage with nature through the paddocks, the trees, the animals and birdsong. There is also the option of walking in the Rongoa or the Labyrinth, creating a wholistic experience, allowing God to speak through the land.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
Central Auckland
I have delighted in listening with those who have come up against some life experiences which cause them to question their faith. Those who are new to spiritual direction are very welcome to explore this and learn to become more attuned to God’s voice.
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
West Auckland
Sometimes two people are better than one in making sense of what life brings our way and moving towards new possibilities and hope. Spiritual direction is a form of spiritual companionship or a way to intentionally deepen your understanding of God, yourself, and the context you live in. It is an opportunity to expand your spiritual practices and skills and grow closer to your True Self and God as your Source.
Full Member of Association
I offer Spiritual Direction online as well as in person
Trained and offers supervision
Presently accepting clients
It is a privilege to be involved in the ministry of Spiritual Direction and even though it is primarily one of listening, Spiritual Directors are the ones who can ask the God questions. So whether I work with people in ministry or others on a serious spiritual journey, we will explore the God questions together in relation to spiritual growth.
I also run a small retreat house, Chapel House, near Whangarei in Northland, which is a place set apart for people to be with God.